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Noelle didn't even think about what she was going to do one she reached the roof as her legs ran as fast as they could take her. The only thing on her mind was finding Madison and warning her about the completely snapped and insane Angie who was hell intent on taking the former out once and for all.

Angie Hart, Queen Bee of Hollywood High School and probably the bitchiest person to have ever existed in the school's history, apparently could not stand the idea of anyone breaking up with her.

Especially if that person was Jayden Matthews, the most popular boy in school who was also the nicest guy around. Because together, they were the hottest 'IT' couple of Hollywood High.

But a few months back Jayden finally had enough of his girlfriend's -now ex-girlfriend- attitude towards other people and broke it to her firmly, but in the nicest way he could, that they shouldn't be dating any more.

There was of course drama and much playing victim on Angie's part, but the fact that the Queen Bee just got jilted by someone had made many people very happy. Noelle was one of the people who rejoiced, but it was more of the fact that karma had finally gotten to Angie and her heart breaking humiliating ways rather than anything else.

It wasn't Jayden breaking up with her that made Angie snap. In fact, she recovered quickly enough and was on the dating scene again, going out with some popular boy in North Hollywood High.

No. It was when Jayden decided to go out with his childhood friend as well as Noelle's best friend since junior high, Madison Carter. And why shouldn't he? He deserved someone much better than his previous girl friend who treated him like her own personal chauffeur and a must have accessory that would look good with her.

Angie didn't see it that way as most jealous exes would.

She did everything within her power to make Madison's life a living nightmare. She turned nearly the entire student body against her (save for Jayden, Noelle and six other of their close knit friends) who in turn made her life difficult.

And it didn't stop there.

Not only did Angie practically make everyone at Hollywood High hate Madison, she got her expelled from the school and had made it near impossible for her to attend another school within the district without getting the same treatment she had gotten at her former school.

Apparently she knew everyone on the social scene.

Despite her reputation being slandered and being turned into the most hated person among her peers, Madison had remained strong with the support of everyone who knew that Angie was just a spoiled brat who took things over the top.

But what no one predicted was that Angie would go so far as to take a gun and shoot Madison in her vengeance for 'taking' Jayden away from her.

Noelle kicked down the door that stood between her, Madison and Angie. Under the force of the inhuman strength she was well known for, the door splintered right in half allowing her to arrive on the scene just moments before her friend was shot by the gun wielding Queen Bee.


It was like her mind was on automatic. She didn't even stop to think about the dangers of the situation and instead acted by shoving Madison out of the way. Gun shots echoed within the air and Noelle fell backwards from the force of having something slam hard into her twice; right in the upper chest and another in the stomach.

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