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Y/n lay in her bed. Tomorrow would mark her 6th year anniversary since arriving at the orphanage. She groaned and rolled over so that she was facing the ceiling. She looked over at her 'chart' for the families she's been to. She sighed in defeat. 7 families and she never even lasted a month. Y/n had given up hope and expected to spend the rest of her childhood in this godforsaken orphanage. 

Her parents had died when she was 7. Her brother, who was 10 at the time, had been taken to a separate orphanage for reasons unknown. She had remembered his pained look, how his once dark brown eyes were dull, his cheeks tear-stained. His burned green shirt that he wore loosely and his ripped blue jeans.

It was a house fire. No one knows how it started, some think it was from the gas on the stove. Y/n still heard the screams of her parents still to this day.  She hated herself for it- she felt silly for not being able to let go of something that happened 6 years ago. Y/n wiped her tears on her grey pillowcase and closed her eyes, slowly but surely drifting off to sleep. 


(1st person POV)

I woke to a soft knocking on my door. I slowly opened my eyes but immediately shut them due to the overwhelmingly bright light. 

"Y/n, dear? It's time to wake up, hun." Ms. Puffy said with a soft voice. She was always my favorite. The way she acted towards children made her a mother figure to most. Ms. Puffy had been there for me when no one else was. 

I hummed in acknowledgment and got up to get dressed. I opened my small closet and got out my clothes for today; a baggy baby blue t-shirt and grey sweatpants. I sighed as I went to the cafeteria. Ms. Puffy was waiting outside the door for me, giving me my morning hug as she has for the past 6 years. 

"Morning sweetie," I heard her say. "Did you get any sleep last night?" Ms. Puffy was one of the only ones who knew about my sleeping problems. I had insomnia, and she would check up on me every morning. 

"I got a good hour or two," I mumbled unto her chest. She nodded. We stayed like that for a while, just her rocking me back and forth as she stroked my hair. What felt like an hour later she let go and walked with me towards the cafeteria area. 

As we walked side by side Ms. Puffy leaned down and whispered to me, "I hear there's someone coming in to foster you for a bit." My mood, if it could, dropped even lower than before. She must've noticed, because she then said "He has adopted a total of 3 children from this orphanage, I think you'll like him Y/n." I nodded my head, still being skeptical of this man. 



"Boys! Get in the car!" Phil shouted across the house. He wore his signature green robe and his green and white striped bucket hat. 

"COMING!" Tommy yelled. A 16 year-old teen ran down the stairs, wearing a red and white baseball tee and brown khakis. He had dirty blonde hair. 

"SHUT UP TOMMY!" Said the male following him. This was Wilbur, a 19 year-old with fluffy brown hair and circular glasses. He wore a yellow sweater with a maroon beanie and blue denim jeans. 

Following his twin silently was Technoblade (preferred to be called Techno), a male with long pink hair. He wore a longsleeve white button up with tight black pants. He adjusted his thin rectangular glasses as he made his way down the stairs.

"Dad," Tommy said dragging out the 'a,' "Where are we going?" 

"The orphanage, I've already scheduled an appointment with one of the children, we'll be fostering them until we decide." Tommy punched the air. He was excited, he wanted to get a younger sibling for quite a while now. So much that he had been begging Phil for almost 2 months. 

"I CALL SHOTGUN!" Tommy shouted, only to be shoved aside by Techno. "HEY, MAN WHAT THE FUCK?" Wilbur hid a giggle from his behavior. "I CALLED SHOTGUN YOU BA-"

"I will not hesitate to tackle you, Tommy." He sighed in defeat and walked over to the back. 



this is my first (published) fanfic so please leave suggestions or call out typos

also - this book thing will contain she/her pronouns, subject to change (I made y/n kind of like me so sorry if this bothers anyone) 



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