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TW- mentions of abuse.
I chose my outfit and quickly got changed (you can imagine your own outfit). I grabbed my old purse and put my phone and empty wallet that contained old gift cards that were old birthday presents from Sam. I smile at the thought of Sam and hope he would be proud of me. I grin as I walk down stairs to meet Phil on the phone and Wilbur wiping down the table.

"Oh, they just walked downstairs. We'll be there soon." He paused. "Mhm. Yeah of course." He nodded his head. "Yep. See you soon. All right. Bye." He said.

A hand is placed on my shoulder. Out of instinct, I flinch.

"Shit, sorry Y/n. Didn't mean to scare you," He laughs nervously. "I won't sneak up on you again, sorry."

"No no, it's okay haha. It's just kinda instinct every since those guys hit me. They were feeling a bit ✨quirky✨ yknow?" Tommy just stares at me.

"You-what-HUH?!" He stutters.

"Yeah they used to like hit me or whatever but all parents do that, yknow? They say it 'makes you stronger' or sumn like that," I shrug.

"N/n- no parents should do that- are you okay?"

"Wait- so you're telling me Phil doesn't hit you guys?" He slowly shakes his head. I stand silent. Another hand is placed on my shoulder. I nearly scream this time, but not before jumping 10 feet in the air.

"Woah, woah, N/n, it's just me," a monotone voice says. I breathe a sigh of relief while Techno raises his eyebrow at Tommy. "Anyway, you ready to go?" At this point, I'm questioning my other foster parents. Maybe it wasn't custom for foster kids to sleep on the floor. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts.

Before I respond, Tommy pulled me to a corner of the living room.

"You maybe uh," he cleared his throat. "You wanna talk about what your foster parents did?" he asked. 

"Not exactly right now, but maybe eventually. I wanna get my mind off of them for a bit. Thank you though," I smiled. He gave me a toothy grin and said no problem. We then walked to the car together, he was telling me about all the stores he wanted to go to and promised to take me to the music shop.

We climbed in the car and we were on our way.

We pulled up to the mall and Phil called someone, pretty sure they were named Jack and Niki. Phil told them we would meet them at this clothing store near the entrance.

"You ready, kiddo?" Phil asked me. I try to nod my head, but it felt like my head was welded to my neck. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat as I said i was ready. "If you need something, ask me or Techno. Okay?" I gave a small nod as we walked into the mall.

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