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Ms. Puffy stood next to me as I sat down in the chair waiting for the person who was looking to foster me. I anxiously bounced my right knee up and down and played with the necklace my mother had given to me. It was a little chain with a bee, my favorite animal. I smiled at the memory of her giving it to me on my 5th birthday. 

A man walked in, along with 3 other males who I assumed were his sons. One looked to be about 15, the others about 20 or so. They all looked relatively nice, except for that guy in the pink hair. He wore a stoic look on his face and it looked like he was trying to figure me out. The man in the red-ish beanie looked nice, and so did the boy in the red and white tee. The man with the bucket looked the most welcoming, he had that father aura around him.

"Hi, Mr. Minecraft, yes?" Ms. Puffy asked. 'Mr. Minecraft' nodded his head proceeded to sit down on the bench, his children following him. She leaned down and whispered in my ear "If you need anything I'll be in the room next door." And with that, she left me alone with the boys.

"So, Y/n, right?" I nodded. "I'm Phil, and these are my sons Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy." Motioning to the one with pink hair, the beanie man, and the red and white shirt one. I gave a small wave and we made small conversation. I found out that Wilbur makes music, Techno has a weird obsession with potatoes, and Tommy likes records. They were all adopted from this orphanage at about age 8. Lucky, I thought to myself.

"So here's the plan," Phil started. "We're gonna foster you for a bit. You alright with that mate?" I was kinda taken aback by this question. Usually, they just whisk me away to their homes. 

"Yeah, that would be great," I said. These people felt different, I liked them. 

A/n - 

hellooooo! sorry for the short chapter today

to the person who added my story to their reading list you wouldn't believe the amount of serotonin i got from reading that notif


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