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As Schlatt and Tubbo drove away, I stretched out and fell back on the couch. Tommy had gone upstairs to his room, Phil was taking a shower, and Wilburs has gone to his room doing whatever he does, so it was just me and Techno. It was a mix between awkward and comfortable silence if that makes any sense at all. I hadn't really talked to him that much, mostly because I was afraid of him. He always wore a stoic look and had an RBF (resting bitch face for those who don't know [i have one myself lmao]). I decided to make the first move to start a conversation because he was just kind of zoning out. 

"So, uh, what book were you reading?" I asked nervously. Is he gonna hate me? Glare at me? 

"It was a book consisting of Greek Mythology." 

"Ooooooo I love Greek Mythology! I used to read about it when I was at the... uh... yeah you get it." I was practically sweating now. I mentally cursed at myself for being so awkward.

"Really?" He smiled. "Who's your favorite?"

"It's Eris, the Goddess of chaos, strife, and discord. It's just so entertaining to read about the myths." I said. "What about you?"

"I don't have a favorite, per se, but I do like the story of Theseus." Techno chuckled.  I hadn't heard of this one before.

"Oh, which one's that? Do you mind telling me?" His eyes lit up. 

"Oh yeah, definitely! Sorry in advance if I talk too much, it's something I do regularly." 

"Oh, no no no no no! It's fine, and to be honest I kind of find your voice calming. Sorry if that's weird." I said. I actually love when people talk about things they are passionate about. You can tell in their voice how enthusiastic they are about that topic. So I got comfy, grabbed the blanket, and got comfy.

"According to legend, King Minos ruled Athens and forced the Athenians to deliver seven youths and seven maidens every nine years."

Ohohohooo, I thought to myself. He sounds like he's talking straight from the book. (THAT'S BECAUSE HE IS, I DON'T HAVE THE TIME NOR PATIENCE TO PARAPHRASE EVERYTHINGLAJKHDSFLJHDF)

"They became the prey of the Minotaur in the labyrinth, and Athens escaped further sanctions through their obedience. The Minotaur was a terrible monster with the body of a man, and the head of a bull, born from the union of Pasiphae and the bull offered as a gift to Minos by Poseidon."

Wow, he really likes this story huh,

He pushed his glasses higher up on his nose and continued. 

"The sacrifices of the Athenians ended only when Theseus, son of Aegean ruler of Attica, traveled to Crete as part of the youths to be sacrificed, but once in the labyrinth he killed the Minotaur and managed to find his way out of the labyrinth with the aid of Ariadne, the daughter of Minos. Ariadne fell in love with Theseus as soon as he arrived, and gave him a ball of thread which he unraveled behind him as he walked through the labyrinthine corridors. Exiting then became a simple matter of following the thread backward towards his freedom."

I was in awe. He had basically memorized the whole story, and he was talking with such passion.

He rolled up his sleeves and pushed back his long pink hair. 

"In a tragic turn of events, Theseus sailed back to Athens forgetting in his elation to replace the black sails with white ones as a signal of victory. His father Aegean who was watching for the returning ships from the Sounio rock saw the black sail, and in despair for what he thought was a failed mission that resulted in the death of his son, ended his life by jumping into the sea. The sea henceforth is named Aegean sea in his memory."


"I-" I was at a loss for words. "Wow, that's actually really cool. I'll have to read up on him sometime." 

"Y/n! C'mon and get ready for bed!" Phil shouted from his room. I thanked Techno for the little story and went up to go get ready for bed.


I'll actually be able to sleep


hi hi hi! i am active! yez mhm

I've been really busy with school and family i haven't been able to work on the story too much ;-;

BUT i will try to update as much as possible

thanks for 6.7k everyone! love you all lots <3


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