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Here we are.

Laying down, on my bed, in a new house. 


With my thoughts. 

I couldn't do it. I stood up and started pacing. There was a window to my left, and above it, the roof. Perfect, I thought to myself. I opened it up and started carefully climbing out. The crisp night air was refreshing, it seemed hot in that room. I hoisted myself up onto the roof. It was slanted, like most roofs now that I'm thinking about it. It was your average roof. But get this-

I brought a blanket :D

Most of the time I just sat there on the roof, looking at the stars and trying to find constellations. But then, across the street, someone crawls up onto their roof. Huh, they must not be able to sleep either,

They looked over at me. I didn't know what to do, and I sorta panicked. So I did the first thing that came to mind. I waved. Crap crap crap crap that was awkward as hell oh shit oh fuck

They waved back. 

"Oh," I said to myself. The silhouette looked like a guy and a tall one at that. We didn't talk much since we literally couldn't without yelling across the street, but we just kinda sat in silence. I didn't want to talk to him (cause social anxietyyyy) but at the same time, I wanted to know this person. They seemed nice for the 10 minutes I've met him. 

I felt like it was time to go back inside, so I waved to this person. They quickly waved back before standing up and stretching. I smiled to myself and went back into the house. I climbed back down carefully and slipped back into my room. 

"Y/n what the fuck?!" Tommy whisper shouted. 

"JEBUS CHRIST," I almost yelled. I stumbled back and almost fell out the window. I swear to god I had a mini heart attack. My chest was pounding, my heart was racing and my thoughts were going millions of miles per hour. Thankfully, Tommy grabbed me in time and pulled me in while basically shouting 'shit!' and pretty much saving my life. 


A knock at the door interrupted my sentence. 

"Y/n? Everything okay in there, mate?" Tommy and I looked at each other with the "busted" look. Crap.

"Yeah, I fell and Tommy helped me out. We're fine!" 

"Okay kiddos, get some sleep," You could hear him kinda chuckle, probably at my stupidness. We waited a couple of seconds before Tommy whipped around and just stared at me.



"I'm sorry, I couldn't sleep and it was hot in here. The night breeze was refreshing," I said with a shrug.

"Well at least invite me with you when you do," He said with an eye roll. I just laughed in response. "Now get some sleep you dumbass." He said as he shoved me.

"Alright, alright. Goodnight, Tommy."

"Good night, Y/n."



ANYWAY i got my computer taken from me for like 2 weeks and kinda forgot this story exists... s o r r y


-Bee :)

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