The Plan

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Cut to Thomas, Peter, Tony, and Strange aboard the ship approaching the surface of Titan.

Peter: [To Tony] Hey, what's going on?

Strange: I think we're here.

Thomas: Already?

Tony: I don't think this rig has a self-park function. [Urgently] Get your hand into this steering gimbal. Close those around it. You understand?

Peter: Yep, got it.

Tony: This was meant for one big guy, so we gotta to move at the same time.

Peter: Okay. Okay. Ready.

The ringship is heading straight for the center of what looks like one of a colossal game of jacks.

Peter: We might wanna turn. Turn! Turn! Turn!!

Tony armors up as the ringship clips the "jack" obliquely, but still losing a good third of its hull in the collision. Peter throws up his helmet at the same time.

Thomas: Oh screw this crap!

Thomas then takes out his Bolt of Espada and enters inside of the lamp to keep himself safe while the sword was falling on the ground. Strange steps between them and creates the Shield of the Seraphim around them all, anticipating a rough landing.

The ship, now reduced to about 45%, plows through the dirt and stops, leaning slightly to one side. Screen title: Titan. Strange helps Tony, now de-helmeted, to his feet; they're both panting a little from the exertion of arrival.

Tony Stark: [To Strange] You alright? [Panting] That was close. I owe you one. [Looks around] Where's Thomas?

Strange then looks around to find him and looks down to see his Bolt of Espada on the ground, and knowing that Thomas was in there.

Strange: [Points at the magic lamp] His in there.

Tony then looks at the magic lamp and Strange back and forth.

Tony: Seriously? In a magical lamp?

Suddenly, we see that Thomas jumps out the magic lamp as lands it on the ground, then he grabs his Bolt of Espada which makes Tony surprised and shocking.

Thomas: Are we safe?

Strange: [Nodded his head] It looks like it.

Then Thomas turns to Tony who was frozen.

Tony: Okay, what the hell just happened?

Thomas: Oh yeah. I can enter this magical lamp whenever I wanted to.

Tony: So, you more like a Genie from the Aladdin.

Thomas: [Chuckles and shaking his head] No, I'm not like Genie from the Aladdin. So, don't question that. 

Peter descends from above in classically spider-like fashion.

Peter: Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something, and I eat one of you, I'm sorry.

Tony: [While pointing at Peter] I don't wanna hear another single pop culture out of you for the rest of the trip. You understand?

Thomas: [Confused] Peter, what are you saying?

Peter: I'm trying to say that... something is coming.

Thomas: What?!

A grenade rolls into view, and Thomas, Peter, Strange, and Tony get thrown well back when it fires its energy pulse. Peter Quill aka Star-Lord, Drax, and Mantis appear in the doorway.

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