Wakanda Battle

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Back in Wakanda, Shuri is working steadily to complete the Mind Stone's removal; Wanda stands by tensely as Arthur was stand beside her.

The Kingsguard, Borderers and Jabari have little success going against Cull chained hammer he either sends them flying or punches them into the ground. T'Chall gets free of his other sorties, leaps and uses all his collected kinetic energy behind a punch that lays Cull's flat.

Then we see that Rocket is having found a clear spot.

Rocket: Come and get some, space dogs!

Another wave of Outriders heads right for the raccoon-oid. Buckey, having come up behind Rocket, grabs him with his mechanical arm, holds him at arms length and spins 540 degrees, firing his own M-249 at the same time.

Rocket: Come on, get some, get some! Come on, get some!

Bucky then drops Rocket, who looks up at him with an impressed gleam.

Rocket: How much for the gun?

Bucky: [Snaps off another burst] Not for sale.

Rocket: Okay, how much for the arm?

Bucky just gives him a look and moves off.

Rocket: Oh, I'll get that arm.

The tides of battle cause Thor, using Stormbreaker to great effect, and Steve together. They take a breather.

Steve: [Panting] New haircut?

Thor: [Grinning] Notice you've copied my beard.

Steve nods, wearily gesturing at his own face with a shield-covered hand. Groot skewers three Outriders with his right arm.

Thor: By the way, this is a friend of mine. Tree.

Thor gestures towards Groot with Stormbreaker.

Groot: [In full battle snarl] I AM GROOT!

[Translation: You gonna help me or what?!]

Steve: [Formally, but bemused] I am Steve Rogers.

Then we see that Miguel and Drake was still fighting the Outriders, suddenly, a flame and water slashes at the Outriders came out of nowhere. Then two of them looks at the sky to see who it was, they saw two flying persons who has a wings behind their backs. Then we see that is Enzo Hayden aka Huo and Mason Spencer aka Surge. Which made them shocked and surprised.

Miguel: Enzo!

Drake: Mason!

As Enzo and Mason was flying towards the ground and lands it. They were approach to Miguel and Drake.

Enzo: Hey guys!

Miguel: What took you guys so long!

Mason: Sorry. We having a busy day, when we have your coordinates.

Drake: Talk later!

All: Right!

As four of them continues to fight the Outriders. In Shuri's lab, a deep rumbling can be heard even at their height. Arthur and Wanda looks down on the battlefield, and sees movement through the blazing forest between the troopships and the dome.

When the disturbance reaches the edge of the trees, it turns into vast moving mounds of earth that easily bypass the force field and emerge; Threshers, sets of massive, motorized spiked wheels, intended for nothing more than shredding everything in their paths.

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