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Then we see that Miguel and Drake finally found Arthur as they rushing towards him.

Miguel: Arthur! Are you okay?

Arthur: Yeah, I'm fine.

Drake: Okay, we just make sure.

Then Enzo, Mason, Kolten, and Mauricio appears which made Arthur, Miguel, and Drake shocked and surprised.

Arthur: Enzo! Mason! Kolten! Mauricio!

Miguel/Drake: Kolten! Mauricio!

As three of them were approach to them.

Arthur: You guys came.

Enzo: We heard everything what happened, we came to help you as fast we can.

Mason: And luckily, we got your coordinates for easily to find you guys.

Kolten: Well expect Thomas.

Mauricio: Yeah, what happened to Thomas?

Arthur: He went to space to save Strange who has the Time Stone.

Miguel: Have you tried to contact him?

Arthur: [Shaking his head] No. But don't worry, he'll be fine for sure.

Drake: Anyway, we have to get back to them.

They were nodded their heads as they made it here.

Then we see that Wanda was landing as finally locates Vision while rushing towards him

Wanda: Are you okay?

Vision then flinches in pain before he can answer.

Wanda: What? What is it?

Vision: He's here.

Suddenly, the wind picks up. It feels... strange. Eerie.

Steve: Everyone, on my position. We have incoming.

He is joined by the Natasha, Sam, Okoye and the T'Chall in short order.

Natasha: What the hell?

Suddenly, Bruce sees the blue-black clouds of a Space Stone relocation just before Thanos steps forward, and confirms this isn't just another member of the Black Order. Then everyone saw Thanos; first time for sure.

Bruce: Cap. That's him.

Steve: [Activates the shield] Eyes up. Stay sharp.

Bruce then reaches Thanos first, lunging forward fist-first, but Thanos uses the Space Stone on him, renders him immaterial until the Hulkbuster is half-buried in the stone of the cliff behind him, and freezes Bruce in place.

Steve is sent flying by purple energy before he even gets to strike a single blow.

T'Chall in his armor was fully charged kinetically, leaps high and with claws extended, but is easily grabbed by the throat and punched to the ground, his armor discharging violently.

Sam stoops, strafing with both Steyr pistols, but is felled when his wings become rubbery and unable to sustain flight.

The following action is mostly muted. Rhodes joins the fight, firing his guns at Thanos until he uses the gauntlet to crush his armor around him and toss him aside.

Bucky then runs in firing, and is punched away by the Power Stone.

Okoye activates the Vibranium-powered elements on her spear and flings it; Power stops it inches from Thanos, and throws her and it aside while wrapping the Natasha in inescapable bands of earth.

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