Chapter 11

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The kids were just getting home from school it's become our little routine that I tell them more about how I met there mother at first I wasn't really ready to share the story but my boys are getting older and it's only right theyre curious about why they're mother isn't around. I fixed they're snacks placing it on the food stand infront of the TV.

They came jumping onto the couch and rushed into eating the food "So are you guys ready."

"Yea." They both mumbled while eating they're food

"Alright let's jump right into it."


It was the morning of school and Justin and Julian where sitting at the table. I haven't spoken to Julian since Ieft him to walk home. He should be mad at himself I mean he did tell me to pull over. I walked over to the table and Julian mugged me "Wassup Justin." I said ignoring Julian. "Hey wassup man where's that gf of yours." Justin asked

"She should be here soon." I said Julian continued to stare at me "Julian can I help you." I said closing my fist

"Lance shut the fuck up, I'm sick of your shit."

"My shit? Your the one who acted like a bitch wanting to get out the car and now your mad at me. You went from my brother to somebody I could care less about."

Julian stood to his feet and I did the same, Justin stood in the middle of us people started to gather around us. I didn't wanna fight Julian even tho he pissed me off he's always been they're for me.

"You know what fuck it and fuck you." Julian grabbed his bag and pushed his way threw the crowd

I shrugged my shoulder not caring if he wanna get mad at me that's completely fine. Crowd cleared out with a lot of disappointed faces, I'm guessing they wanted to see a fight really bad.

I sat back down at the table and so did Justin "That was really uncalled for man." Justin said

"Justin you always acting like I'm doing something wrong that's your friend not mind tell him to not worry about me." I said pulling out my soda taking a sip

"You doing to much man we've been friends for too long to act like this, get your shit together man." Justin said walking off

Now I'm the problem I didn't even do anything wrong. I saw Char walking in i stood to my feet and greeted her by placing a kiss to her lips "hey babe" she blushed

"hey Lance." She rapped her arm into mines I took the books from her hand

We walked into the direction of her class "are you alright?" She asked

"Yea im fine just a bit upset about julian he pissed me off earlier."

She looked at me shaking her head, "he's one of your bestfriends yall need to stop being so childish."

She grabbed her books and kissed my cheek."bye lance"


" Dad are you really going to tell every detail its 365 days in a year tell us the important things." Julian said I shook my head my child was way to much more and more like his mother everyday.

"Julian you are something else you know that." He smiled

"Do you wanna skip ahead as well justin?"

"Yea im with julian" I laughed

"Well to be honest guys We were happy for a long time we may have gotten into a few arguments here and there but thats normal. We fell in love senior year we even worked our asses off to go to the same college we continued our love there I dont know if it was even possible but I found myself loving her more everyday. I never even looked at another women beside your mother. I can even remember the day she found out she was pregnant-"

"Can you tell us about that day dad." Justin said

"Id love to."


We were walking in the park it was a warm night the stars were glimming but I couldnt help but feel nervous char wanted to talk and it was no secret things werent going very good lately. School was stressful and I had been taking it out on Char and it wasnt right I just didnt want her to break up with me. "Okay well Lance-" I cut her off

"Please dont break up with me I love you I know things arent perfect but its just school is stressful right now and honestly I dont even know if this is what I wanna do anymore im sorry I took it out on you." Char grabbed ny hand

"Lance I love you I wouldnt wanna break up with you. Had you let me finsh I wouldve told you how Ive been really sick lately then I went to the doctors and found out something im sure you'll wanna know about." She handed me a paper I was confused until I read it I read that Char was 6 weeks pregnant.

I looked up to see Char smiling " Your going to be a father Lance." I was shocked I froze for a minute Char looked at me as if she was worried but I quickly smiled and took her into my arms. "Thank you for giving me the greatest gift" I kissed her lips



"Mom seemed happy about having us." Julian smiled towards his brother

"Trust me son she was I remember her everyday reminding me how excited she was to be having a baby."

"What do you mean A baby?" Justin said "yeaaaa" julian said

"Well at first we only thought it was one baby but after some more doctor check ups we soon discovered it was two of you."

"How did she feel about the two of us." Justin said

"Would you believe if I told you this girl started jumping up and down Excited to be a mom. Her smile was so bright during her pregnancy she never had one frown. I remember her rubbing her belly talking to you two telling you guys her crazy stories your were in the womb and even though I told her you guys couldnt possibly hear her she wanted to anyway."

The boys smiled.

"Goodnight dad." Julian said

"Goodnight son." I said

Both the boys started walking back to their room but not before Justin turned around "Dad?"

"Yes Justin?"

"Is the story coming to a end?"

"Very soon son yes."

He nodded walking back
Into his room.


Sorry its been a minute since ive updated ive been busy

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