chapter 9

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I sat here laying on my Sofia waiting on the boys to wake up from their nap it was another one of those days. Those days where I couldn't bring myself to get up I say I'm going to try for my kids but I don't know what's wrong with me the kids deserve better they really do.

I heard foot steps and looked back to see Justin rubbing his eyes "Hey dad how long was I sleep?"

He said jumping on the couch laying his head on my shoulder. "Not that long just an hour, You hungry?" I said

"No thanks I'm still full from breakfast." I nodded "Julian still sleep?" I asked. "No he's up he's just staring at the ceiling being a werido." I laughed "Justin go get your brother." Just as justin was about to get up Julian came in stretching his arms

"Hey dad." Julian said hopping on the couch laying his head on his brother. I smiled

"Hey son sleep well?" He nodded

I smiled. "You guys wanna watch a episode of lab rats?"

The shook they're heads no, I was shocked that was a first "You guys sure that's your favorite show."

"No dad we wanna hear about mom and the dinner."Justin said

"Oh okay if that's what you want, you want this to Julian?"

"Yea dad." Julian said

"Well guys before I tell you how dinner went I don't want you guys to think less of your grandparents"

"Alright dad we won't just tell the story." Justin said

"Alright alright" I shook my head. "It went a little like this,"


I've been in the mirror for a hour now trying to fix this tie I wanted the night to be perfect I just hope my parents don't mess things up for me. They're known for not holding there tongue. But things should go perfectly Char's a great nice girl and my parents they're pretty nice.

I finally got the tie looking right and walked down stairs to wait for Char. I sat on the stairs looking out the window when she finally pulled up, I rushed outside I opened her door holding my hand out she grabbed it getting out the car and there she stood tall and beautiful. She had her hair up in a curly bun and had a beautiful tight hugging white dress sexy yet appropriate with some pink heels I mean she was already 5'8 without the heels she now was scrapping 6 foot. Looking like a model. "Damn Char you look stunning." She smiled

"Why thank you Lance, You look sexy in that tie." She said grabbing hold of my tie pulling me in kissing my lips. I grabbed her hips pulling her closer. After two minutes she pulled back "Alright come on don't wanna keep them waiting." I nodded

"Do you think everything will go alright, Do you think they'll like me?" I smiled

"I'm sure they'll see what I see a kind smart beautiful girl."

She sighed "I sure hope so." I grabbed her hand and we walked up the stairs. I took one deep breath before opening the door.

I opened the door and there stood my mother and father smiling "Mom and Dad I'd like you to meet Char." I then stepped aside, They're smiles quickly faded

"Hello nice to meet you I'm Char." She held out her hand to my mother but my mother did nothing but Stand there Char looked back at me, "Mom Dad." They quickly looked at me.

My dad held out his hand to Char "Nice to meet you sorry about that it's just that your much more beautiful then Lance said you were." Char took his hand "Thank you sir it's a pleasure meeting you." They let go and we all looked at my mom

She finally spoke "Hello nice to meet you." My mom said Char nodded

"Alright guys lets go into the dining room and start eating cause I'm starving." Everyone smiled and walked into the dining room, I pulled a chair back for Char she sat and I scooted her up to the table. I sat down next to her and my parents sat across from us.

It was a uncomfortable silence till my dad broke the silence "So Char care to tell me a bit about yourself."

She smiled "Well as you know I'm Char my friends call me blue and well I love to watch Sports my favorite color is blue I love pets and after I graduate I plan on becoming a physician I'm really just a simple girl and I like to have a good time." I smiled at her honesty I grabbed her hand kissing it

"That's wonderful Char what made you wanna become a physician?" My dad asked

"Well a physician helps athletes and children and I love both so I'd think it'll be fun working with them. I wanna work and be able to love my job."

"Well son I see you have a girl with a great head on her shoulders." I smiled "yea dad she's pretty great."

"Honey do you have any questions you'd like to ask?" My dad asked my mother

"Well there is one thing." We all looked at her I took a sip of my juice, the waiters should be setting the food down any second now "Lance why didn't you tell us she was black." I spitted out my juice I coughed, I looked towards Char "I'm so sorry." I said she shook her head "it's fine she clearly doesn't know any better." I sighed knowing nothing but a huge argument was to come.

"Excuse me know any better? I don't know who you think you are but you better watch your mouth."

"Me watch my mouth? coming from the same lady who just asked her son in front of me why didn't he tell you I was black at least have the decency to ask when I'm gone and put on a fake ass smile like a proper lady. But no you just enjoy being blatant."

"Get her out my house now Lance now." I look to my dad with pleading eyes hoping he'll jump in and help

"Alright now Lacy you need to calm down why can't we just have a nice dinner." My dad said trying his best to calm my mother down

"It's alright I'll leave, Have a nice night everyone." Char got up and walked over to door I quickly walked behind her turning around to look at my mom

"You knew how important this was to me why couldn't you just control your self mother damn."

"Do not talk to me like that you choose this negro over me? I'm your mother show me some respect."

"Negro? you know what I'm gone pray for you. You ma'am are pathetic." And with that Char ran out to her car and sped off.

I sat down on the steps rubbing my hands down my face, how am I going to fix this.



"Wow Dad why was grandma so mean to her?"Justin said

"Well son my mother was so used to things like that as a child she grew up having a dislike of people with a brown complexion she was brought up like that. It was sad but it's her."

"I feel really sad for mommy." Julian said

"She eventually got over it."

"I think I wanna watch tv now."Justin said

"Yea me to." Julian said

"It's alright guys really."

They turned the tv on and sat there with plain looks watching tv

I should've known they weren't ready.


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