A farewell

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My kids have been praying a lot lately speaking to their mother. It made me happy to see them talking to their mother. I think I can even feel her warm spirit

I closed my eyes just thinking about how things happened so quickly how is it that your here one day and gone the next?

"Funny I asked myself the same question."

I quickly shot my eyes open and was taken back it was Char "Is it really you?" I reached out to touch her but my hand went through

"Ofcourse you can't touch me Lance I'm dead." I just stared at her she hasn't aged a bit

"How are you here."

"I've had enough Lance I know you love me and believe it when I say I love you so much it consumes me. But I'm gone now it's time you move on with your life you can't keep dwelling on the past. Find someone new Lance, You deserve to be treated right. I also want you to know you've done a good job at raising the boys you don't give yourself enough credit. Sadly I have to go Lance I watch you everyday, this will be our final goodbye. Until next time my love kiss the kids for me."

And my eyes opened I looked around wondering what just happened I looked over the clock and it was already one o'clock pm. I was dreaming but it felt so real It. Maybe it is time I met someone new raising twin boys is not a easy thing to do.

Char is right I have to move on but it's easier said then done.


It was later on the day and I wanted to talk to the twins "hey boys come in here for a second?"

They came running in jumping up on the couch

"Yea dad" Julian said breathing heavily

"I wanted to ask you guys a serious question."

"Ok." They both said

"I was wondering how would you feel about ever having a step mommy? I wanted to start dating again and I wanted to know how you guys felt."

Julian's face filled with anger but Justin's face turned red not with anger but with sadness. I watched as the tears fall from his eyes.

"You want to replace my mommy. I will not love her I don't want a step mommy I want my mommy back." Julian said

I was taking back
"How could you try to replace my mommy. I thought you loved her."

"guys please hear me out. I would never try to replace your mother. And believe me when I say I loved your mother and still do to this day, but it's time I move on with my life she's not coming back.

Julian pouted his lips. "Ok." Justin said looking at his brother making Julian nod

"Thank you guys."


I sat staring at the phone wondering should I call her. And I just got bold and dialed up Jessica. "Hey Lance everything alright?"

"Yea everything alright I wanted to ask you a question."


"Well for starters I wanna thank you for helping me through the death of Char and Justin. And I've been giving it some thought and was wondering would you wanna get dinner with me sometime."

"Wow Lance this is so unexpected, are you sure your ready for that."

I wasn't sure but I just went along with it anyway

"Yes I'm sure I'm ready."

"Well alright it's a date." We both hung up the phone. I looked outside the window up at the sky

"I'll always love you blue."


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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2015 ⏰

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