Chapter 13

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Kids sat down eating there dinner I plopped down on the couch getting ready to continue the story

"Alright guys we ready." I asked looking to them both for approval

"Yea." They both said talking with food in there mouths

I shook my head.

"So it was maybe nine months later and it was time for her to give birth during her pregnancy she was pretty peaceful a bit emotional but peaceful none the less."

"Tell the day we were born"

"I was getting to it justin."


We where at this restaurant enjoying ourselves it had been a minute since I took her to lunch so I did just that.

"Char how are you enjoying your food?"

"It's alright I mean it is just salad." She said sighing

"Char after the babies you can eat all that junk, I just want them to be healthy don't you."

She sighed "I do your right." She said taking another bite of the salad. Making me smile

"I'm going to run to the bathroom real quick." Char said

I ran over beside her helping her out the seat, once I got her on her feet she looked at me with her head tilt "Lance I don't need a escort im fine walking on my own." I nodded sitting back down watching as she turned the corner

I was at the table for maybe seven minutes until she finally came back but with two hot dogs and fries that looked to be downed in hot sauce.

"What the fuck." I yelled out causing people to look my way

"Oh Lance relax taste a fry it's really good." I snatched it from her hands

"Char what is wrong with you."

"I'm sorry I couldn't help myself, uh oh."


We both looked down and it was water on the floor Char started panicking "Oh god we gotta go to the hospital."

I took her hand throwing down a one hundred dollar bill on the table. Dragging her to the car. "Come on char we have to go."

She yelled in pain "Lance.wait.I.really.wanted.those.fries." char said inbetween yelling out in pain

"No come on." I opened the car door passenger seat where she sat down and I closed the door rushing to the other side. I hopped in and started the car driving fast. Luckily on my way to the hospital we weren't stopped by any police man. "Lance the pain I can't take it." Char said holding her stomach

I gripped the staring Wheel drive as fast as I could "Char please just hold in there we aren't to far."

Char spent ten minutes yelling out in pain. And we finally arrived to the hospital, doctors came rushing out to help her into a wheel chair "We got her sir. Park and come on in."

They wheeled her into the hospital. I hurried up and got back into the car Finding a parking spot it wasn't nothing close available so I got one in the back and just ran to the building. I refuse to miss any part of my children's birth.

I saw the doctors wheeling her into the elevator and I hurried and in jumped in the elevator just in time before it shut.

"Lance hold my hand." char said gripping the blood flow out of my hand

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