Chpt. 8

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I sat here with my kids we were now in the park, I sat on the bench smiling at how much fun they were having I find myself ashamed when I saw I was so weak for so long and wasn't able to bring my kids out here. Char made me weak Its not a day that goes by I don't think about her the way she laughed the smile that stayed on her even when she was sad she tried to keep a straight face. I miss her alot my  heart hurts so bad but I'm trying for the sake of my kids I've been with my kids but I was never fully there with them I missed out on the donuts with dad I missed the parent teacher conferences I missed out on special times with my kids and I should've been there for them I should've worked harder to be a better father then the one I had. all i can really do is try to be there for them as much as possible and try to be a great father and maybe when the time is right go out and meet a new lady my sons need a mother.                                                

"Dad look at me look at me" Julian yelled as he climbed up on the slide and slide down, I jumped up and ran over picking him up I spun him around and he couldn't stop giggling he looks so much like his mother and he even has her smile. Justin came running over "Dad me to" said Justin I put Julian in my right arm and picked up Justin in my left I spun both my boys around till I couldn't anymore. The laughs we all shared I was wishing that moment would never end.


Later on that day        


  I was preparing the kids dinner we had countless fun today I was fixing them chicken and mash potatoes. They set on the couch watching Lab Rats they are obsessed with that show. I finshed putting the finishing touches on they're plates I brought out the plates placing them on their tray. "Hey dad could you tell me more about mom?" Justin said

"Sure maybe after your show." i started to go back into the kitchen

"The show can wait its recorded anyway mom's more important." Julian said and Justin nodded I smiled.

"Okay boys." I sat down next to them on the couch and jumped right in.



         I've been on the phone with Char ever since I dropped her off three hours ago. We've been chatting about almost everything and I feel so close to her I want her to meet my parents but I dont know how they'll take me dating a black girl. I mean my dad will probably be okay with it but im notso sure about my mom she's been known to make a few comments about the opposite race a few times.

"Char I want you to meet my parents." she said nothing " Hello Char did you hear me?" i said

"Lance do you really think were ready for that?" she said

"Yes why wouldn't we be?"

"I mean we've only been dating for a day or two now don't you wanna know I'm really the one or do you just bring everyone around your parents?"

"Char trust me when I say I've never brought a girl around my parents and I already know your the one when I'm not with you, you're all I can think about. When i hug you i get so hard of breathing the way you smile you make me wanna be happy even on my worse day. And the way you walk you sway so beautifully I'm falling for you Char."                

"Wow Lance i didn't know you felt this way I'm falling for you to, and i'll love to meet your parents."

"Great ill text you the deeds, Goodnight I love you bye." I hung up before she could say anything.

I smiled knowing she would go to sleep thinking about those words I said to her I really did love her.



   I ran down stairs to the breakfast that was prepared my mom and father sat at the table having a conversation so I didn't bother to intrude. "Good morning son did you sleep well?" my father asked

"Yes dad very well thank you." he smiled

"Can I ask you guys a question please." i said to my mother and father "Yes son anything?"

"Well I would like to have a dinner tonight so you guys can meet my girlfriend." I said

my mother and father sat there staring at each other for a second "So is it serious?" my father questioned

"Yes dad i like her very much." i said making him smile

"Than me an your mother would love to meet the young lady, how about at seven."

"Thanks dad." I texted Char the deeds



"Alright guys get in the bed." Julian and Justin went running off to the bed

"after you've put your PJ's on brush your teeth." they went into the bathroom doing just that they hopped into the bed after they were done.

"Goodnight boys, i love you."

"i love you to." said Julian

"you to." said Justin "And I cant wait to know how dinner goes tomorrow." said Julian

"Alright guys gn."

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