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Picture of Julian on the side


I watched as my sons argued over the toy car they had just came back from school not to long ago and have been fussing since walking threw the door. I only sat back because they gotta learn to handle the situation themselves as I told them many times share.

"Dad Justin won't give me the car I had it first." Julian said stomping his feet pouting

"Justin come here." Justin came running over but put the toy car behind his back

"Guys I told you to share play together or do not play at all what is it gonna be?" Julian reached for the car behind Justin's back but justin moved it out his reach and walked away making Julian cry I got up taking the car from Justin.

"Since you can't play together you won't play at all." Julian continued crying stomping his feet and Justin joined in on the crying, TImes like this get overwhelming making me really miss my wife.

I walked over to the couch rubbing my hands down my face this was to much I love my kids but I don't know if I can take to much my phone was ringing the boys where crying the neighbors dogs where barking.

I picked up the phone not looking at the caller I'd "Hello.... Oh thank god Julian could you come over now please I can't take this...just come over bye." I didn't give Julian the chance to say no.


30 minutes later Julian and his seventeen year old daughter Quinn walked in and boy was I happy to see them.

"Lance my man, hey Julian Jr. and Justin Jr." They ran over and hugged Julian "Uncle Julian!" They screamed. It was a cute scenery

"So what's the problem?" He said hugging me then checking to see if I was alright

"These kids they drive me crazy and I need a break." I said pleading I love my sons but I'm tired

"Quinn stay here and watch the boys we'll be back in a few." Quinn sighed and went and sat down next to the boys "they've been crying all day I'm sure they'll be sleep in no time thanks Quinn."

"Dad wait what about mommy, You always tell us the story before bed." Justin said

Julian looked at me confused "if you guys are still awake when I'm back I'll tell you more now bye I'll be back soon."


Me and Julian sat at the bar drinking beers just like old times we haven't did this in years, Something I greatly missed. "How've you been Lance, You Rarely answer my calls and when you do there short I miss my best friend."

"Yes I'm sorry about that its just things haven't been the same since you know." I said making Julian sigh

"Yes I know you miss her huh." Julian said sipping his beer

"Everyday my heartaches they said heartbreak gets easier it doesn't man it just dosent." Julian shook his head in understanding

"Maybe its time to find someone new start dating again." Julian said I looked at him like he was crazy

"Hey don't look at me like that its been five years Lance I don't want you to die alone you need someone to mend your heart the kids need a mother." Julian said apart of me knew it was time but I cant let go.

"Just a Lil longer." I said and Julian nodded


We came back home the boys were in the room and Quinn was knocked out on the couch Julian woke her up I gave her ten dollars and kissed her cheek "Goodnight Uncle Lance."

"Goodnight sweetheart" I nodded towards Julian and they both left

I went into the kids room to check on them lights where off just as I was about to close the door "Dad finally I thought you would've never been back youve been gone for a century." Justin said getting out of bed running towards me with Julian not to far behind.

"You guys were pretending to be sleep."

"I told you we couldn't sleep without the story." Justin said

"Alright alright get back in the bed." I pulled up my chair to the bed, "Alright guys here we go."


I pulled into the school parking lot blocking out Julian and Justin all they do is argue I still couldn't get over the fact the me and Char kissed her lips were soft it was like we where floating in thin air the kiss was magical.

"Alright guys get out the car and shut up." We all got out I locked it I wanted to look for

Char before we headed to class wanted to see if she felt so high about the kiss as I did.

I spotted Char eating breakfast with her friends so I waited to they left to walk over.

"Hey Char." I said hugging her

"Hey lance that was the best date I've ever been on I wanna thank you for that seems like you went all out."

"Oh trust me it was nothing really just pulled a few strings." She laughed

"Yes well thanks a lot never thought I would experience something so great past relationship they've never took me on a date."

"So were dating.?" I said she looked shocked "I'm joking but maybe you were messing with the wrong guys if its okay with you I'd love to take you out again sometime."

"Yes I'd look that very much." She said blushing

"Can I walk you to class?"

"Yes sure I'd love that." She grabbed my hand and we walked

On our way to her class we received some smiles and some dirty looks I guess some people still isn't fond of interracial but I see nothing wrong with it love holds no color guess some people wasn't raised with the same vaules.

"Alright I'll see you later maybe you could come over and watch a movie?" I said

"Yes sure I'll text you." She said leaning up and kissing my lips sending chills down my spine she walked in the class and left me stunned I don't even realize the bell rung I ran off to class

"Lance why are you late to my class?" Everyone turned they're heads towards me

"I uh woke up late."

"Is that so I saw you walking some young lady to class." I said nothing

"Have a seat." I walked quickly to my seat and everyone laughed.

I shook my head I can't wait to graduate.


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