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(Anakin's POV, this takes place in June, last day of school is next week)

it's almost the end of the school year, we got our collage emails last week, and we all agreed to meet up after school today at Ben and Rex's house to look at our emails today, we invited Barriss who was now our bestest friend ever, she was super loyal and sweet, so she's now a part of our friend group and we go everywhere with her.

she ended up dating this kid named Lux, Ahsoka used to like the kid so Barriss asked Ahsoka if it was okay to date him and she gave the okay saying her thanks for asking her, they are 3 months strong!!

i'm excited to look at our emails, i hope we all got in the same collage! i cant bare leaving everyone behind, that would suck, badly.

i gained separation anxiety being with Ben, and i may be clingy, but let's admit, he's the same way.

the whole friend group convince Ahsoka to join a professional Volleyball team, and she did! one of the best in state! 'the tigers' Ahsoka's idea for the name.

Me and Ben decided to join the schools Basketball last season, we didn't do a professional team, we didn't know if we wanted to stick with it, but i'm for sure doing basketball in collage and do that team! the kids were awesome and super sweet. i loved the environment.


and that must be Ahsoka of course, i grab my bags and head out the door yelling bye to my mom.

i get in the car and she has Barriss in the back, i get in the front and greet Ahsoka and Barriss "hey snips hey barriss!! you excited to look at our emails this afternoon?" i asked as soon as Ahsoka pulled out of the drive way.

"oh please i'm more than excited" Ahsoka said "i cant wait to see the acceptance letter for you for getting into Harvard because i know it's going to happen." she added with a smug look on her face.

"i'm excited like super excited" Barriss said and i turned around to talk to her "what collage did you do again?" i asked cocking an eyebrow "Harvard of course, like i bet everyone in the whole grade did!" she said laughing, i smiled and rolled my eyes nodding, she's right though. everyone probably did do Harvard, it's one of the best universities. that and Penn state.

we get to school and i get out of the car hugging Ben that was patiently waiting outside his car with Lux and Ahsoka, I forgot to mention, Lux was part of the friend group as well, since he was dating one of our best friends we had to let him in, he was a sweet kid, shy at times, but nothing special.

Ahsoka gets out immediately kissing Rex, and Barriss gets out hugging Lux. "we should head in" Ben said chuckling, we all agreed walking into the school, everyone was so excited for the end of the school year, and the seniors are even more excited
to finish highschool, even though we have collage to go to. Collage shouldn't be to bad, it's a more of a free school, and you live there with a roommate. the one thing i kinda aren't looking forward to, what if i don't like my roommate? or what if i'm alone? what if my roommate is a creeper, who knows.

i get to my first class, and it's basically the teacher talking to us about graduating and collages, annoying, we already know.

the class ended on some geometry with. circles and radius, some triangles and squares added into it, i don't know. just get through the homework turn it in get the credit and i'll be good.


i walk up to Ahsoka's locker and everyone was already there waiting, late? me? how? i'm normally never late to get to Ahsoka's locker, i'm normally not the last one.

Clone wars: High school AU (obikin) (rexsoka) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now