Chapter 1

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The Singh family has lived in the British wizarding world for several decades. Their policy of purebloods has prevailed along with their hatred for muggles.

This ideology is shared by many families, but especially with the Malfoys and the Blacks. All the wizarding world knew who these families were, and they were respected and admired, even feared.

The last Singh generation was conformed by Ares Singh II, his wife Amelia, and their five children: Apollo, Isis, Juno, Balder, and Persephone. As expected, this family attended Hogwarts and they all have been part of either Slytherin or Ravenclaw. Their pride is lasting, and the adults make sure to inculcate all traditions to their children.

But their story will soon be threatened by the changes that the youngest Singh is trying to accomplish. And it all starts when she and her best friend Sirius Black begin their first year at Hogwarts in 1971.


"We'll be waiting for your letter, Persephone. To let us know you're in the right house."

The eleven-year-old girl nods at her mother's petition. Amelia Singh fixes the long, black hair of her last daughter and gives her one final, small hug.

"And remember, don't mix with the mudbloods," Adds Ares Singh. The girl nods again and her father smiles, also giving her a hug, "be careful, dear."

"I'll be fine, daddy," She says when they break apart.

Balder, take care of your sister and chaperone her if it's necessary," Demands the man to his fourth son, who only nods as a reply.

The adults keep giving the rest of their children indications and words of farewell, especially to their oldest one, Apollo, who only has one year before he graduates.

The little girl didn't want to stay for the rest of the lectures, so she started to look for her best friend. Her eyes went from one side to the other without being able to find him.

"There they are," Mentions Isis while signaling to a column in the distance, the whole Black family is there. Persephone thanks her older sister and runs towards their direction.

While pushing and apologizing, she gets there the moment when Walburga Black is giving her own lecture to her oldest son.

"I understand," The boy sighs.

"Good," The woman nods and turns around only to notice the presence of the girl, "Persephone, where are your parents?" She asks with a small smile.

The little girl shivers at her expression, smiling wasn't something that Mrs. Black did quite often.

"Next to the big windows, Mrs. Black"

She nods and takes her husband's hand to drag him with her, following the indications of the girl.

"Your mother is scary," Says the girl to her friend. The boy only laughs at her comment.

"Tell me about it."

"Are you nervous, Sirius?" She can't help but notice how his hands are shaking.

"I don't know, Percy. It's..." He holds his hands trying to control them, "Nevermind, it's not important."

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" Sirius stares at her intently, He feels the safety he's always felt around her. Her dark eyes are looking at him with worry but, How could he tell her? Maybe they've been best friends since they were born, but they never talked about those subjects before.

How would she react if he tells her that he doesn't want to be in Slytherin like the rest of his family? Or that he's not so sure about what his parents say about the muggles and "mudbloods"?

Pureblood - (Sirius Black x Fem!Oc)Where stories live. Discover now