Chapter 5

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"Remus, please. Let me explain," I have difficulty reaching. Damn short legs that won't let me be fast. "Remus-"

He stops causing me to crash into his back.

"Could you stop? it's weird that you call me by my name," He says turning towards me.

"Listen, I know it sounds crazy and clearly you are very confused, but give me five minutes and I will explain everything to you," His light brown eyes watch me.

"No, I won't. You don't deserve a minute," Remus gets back on his way and I quickly follow.

"Remus, I know I don't deserve it. I know that I have been a bitch with you and everyone, it seems. But this may change things."

"How do I know that it is not a trick? I have enough with your constant comments and humiliations."

I hate myself, right now, I hate myself.

"It's no trick, I promise, nobody else knows," We both arrived at the potions room.

"No. And that's my final answer," He says and then goes to his place. I bite my lower lip in frustration.

"Shit," I whisper and go to my place with Jenna. I leave the bag on the table and let my head fall against it.

"And now what happened to you?" She asks laughing. I turn my head in her direction.

"Change is hard," It's the only thing I say and she just shrugs.

Slughorn enters and the class begins, I don't even pay attention to the class, which has become a small habit this year. After a few minutes, I have an idea.

I quickly take out my notebook, pen and ink. Cut a piece of my parchment and write on it.

'You must listen to me.' P.S.

I fold the piece in half and take out my wand, in a whisper I make the paper bend in the shape of a small bird, then I move my wand and point to Remus, the bird obeys and reaches its place.

First he is surprised, since he was paying attention, but he takes the paper, opens it and reads. The next thing I see is how he rolls his eyes and then his gaze on me. He shakes his head and I let out a sigh.

I tear off another piece and write again.

'Only five minutes, I promise.' P.S.

Again I do the same with the bird and again he denies. I will end up crazy before class ends.

'Please, Remus.' P.S.

'Leave me alone, Singh.' R.L.

'I will not leave you until you hear me.' P.S.

'The teacher will get angry if you keep sending me this.' R.L.

'I don't care, you must listen to me, Remus.' P.S.

"So you don't mind my class, Miss Singh," I lower my eyes as soon as Slughorn arrives at my place.

"Sorry, Sir," He releases a huff and shakes his head.

"I'll see you after school, we should have a conversation. You too, Mr. Lupin" I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"No, Sir. Remus had nothing to do with it, I'm the one who is bothering him," Since Slughorn caught the note, the attention was on me, but now everyone was more than interested in why I'm defending Remus. I can hear them whispering.

"I won't tolerate this in my class, I will see them both," Says the teacher and then continue with the lesson.

Everyone looks back at the board. In a moment, Slughorn is distracted and I turn a little towards Remus. He's also looking at me.

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