Chapter 7

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Fifth year

· No one should know about the plan. If at any time it is discovered, we must say some excuse or lie.

· Remus can leave the plan whenever he wants.

"Oh, come on," I complain, looking up at the boy sitting in front of me.

"What? You can't force me," He teases. I roll my eyes.

"Then if at some point, you get mad at me for another reason that has nothing to do with the contract, will you abandon everything?"

"Of course not, I am not that impulsive."

"I won't take the risk" I take the pen and the scroll.

· Remus can leave the plan whenever he wants.

· Remus may leave the plan if he has a real reason (If he thinks he or someone else will get hurt)

"Now's better," He reads and nods.

"I know..."

· Persephone cannot be rude with any other person (can't call them "mudbloods")

"Technically, it's not my fault, that's how my parents raised me, but-" He observes me, annoyed, "I'll try".

· Remus and Persephone cannot hurt each other.

· Remus cannot cancel any meeting

Lupin looks at me confused.

"You can't choose a prank or something with your friends instead of our classes. We must set the day and place and if they plan something last minute, in our schedule, you can not go with them."

"That's very... controlling" I bite my lower lip.

Maybe it is, but...

"I guess that's how your friend Black started."

"I want to know that too."

"What?" I look up.

"What happened with you and Sirius? I know a version" He's silent for a few seconds, "I never thought that-"

"That I could have another version?" I lean on the chair and cross my arms "I didn't think you were gossipy, Lupin."

He blushes.

"Normally I'm not," He says with a small smile, "I have another rule..."

· Persephone and Remus should always be honest

I add:

· They must answer all the questions that are asked, when they are ready.

Then I sign the paper and Remus does the same. He rolls up the scroll and hand it to him. We decide that he should hide it.

"I have a special place to hide things. They don't know what personal space is..."

"When do we start?" I ask.

"I do not know"

"Tomorrow night? We could go to the astronomy tower while we find another place."

"No! Not the tower," He replies with a grimace, "that's Sirius' favorite place to take girls."

Of course. I roll my eyes.

"I have the perfect place," He says smiling

"Which one?"

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