Chapter 2

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Fifth Year,

Percy's POV:

"I can't believe those marauders are making pranks already, it's the first day of school!"

That's the first thing I hear when I wake up, followed by someone sitting on my bed next to me.

"Come on, P. It's getting late," I groan and pull off the sheets from my body.

"But it's never late for gossip, isn't it, Jenna?" I rub my eyes.

"You know is not," She replies with a laugh and gets up, "and less if it's about those four boys, they never rest"

I get up as well and go to the bathroom to get change to my usual uniform.

"You're always talking about them," I roll my eyes.

"That's because there's always something new to talk about," She replies from the other side of the room.

I sigh and examine my reflection in the mirror, the dark circles under my eyes are getting bigger and bigger, almost matching with my eyes.

Another night, another nightmare.

I take a quick shower and get dress in a few minutes. Jenna and I walk together to the Great Hall, I can hear the people in there laughing and talking really loudly though we're pretty far away.

When we finally get in I see most of the noise is coming from the lion's table, I roll my eyes and walk towards the Slytherin table, I gran an apple and bite on it while I sit.

"I don't get why are they so loud," i said to Jenna when she sits in front of me.

"They convinced Peeves to help them for a prank, you know how they get along with that poltergeist."

"And that's a victory?" I ask, looking at their table.

Several boys and girls are leasing towards the center of the table to listen to James Potter's story. From my place I can only see his exaggerated expressions and how he raises his arms from time to time, next to him I see Sirius Black, who I once call my friend, but now is one of the popular kids in Hogwarts and a total ladies' man. His arm is around James' shoulders, adding details to make the audience laugh a bit more. Behind both of them I see Peter Pettigrew, or the least interesting guy of their group, as anyone would say. They boy listen attentively, they only look at him a few times while talking but soon enough they leave him aside. Finally, the last member: Remus Lupin, who's just quietly eating his breakfast next to Sirius, he's reading something, or maybe just pretenden to read but in reality he's pretending to not listen to their story, or just feels overwhelmed with all the eyes around him.

"Anyway, I have to tell you about that Irish guy that I met during my vacations," Jenna's voice pulls me out of my thoughts and now all my attention is focused on her. I smile at her words and wait to hear all about the newest story in her love life.

Jenna is quite beautiful, ever since third year she's got this huge line of suitors. She's got blond hair that always look perfectly done, blue eyes and a charming smile.

And don't even get me started on her general looks, with the long legs she was born with, she's the taller than the average girl at Hogwarts, including me. But even though she's one of the prettiest girls, and all the rumors around her, she never acts like she's better than anyone else, and never plays along with what people talks about her.

She knows her beauty attracts most of the guys and makes lots of girls feel jealous, but she's never done any harm. She rejects politely to any boy that tries to ask her out and it's always local to her current relationship. She's never really "bad" unless it's necessary. Everyone could talk about her and believe the worst, but in reality she's my sunshine. A lightning of hope on my darkest times, she never stops shinning.

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