Chapter 11

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"This is a very bad idea."

"I know."

"I can't believe I'm part of this"

"Stop complaining, Reg. If I sink, you sink with me," He rolled his eyes.

"How much longer will we have to wait for them?"

"It's only been five minutes," I tease and he complains again.

A day before the Christmas holidays, Remus decided to meet in the requirement room to discuss the brilliant plan, but only Regulus and I have arrived.

"Remind me why I'm here?"

"Because you care about me. I know you have millions of questions, but I'll explain everything to you when everyone arrives"

"I don't understand what can be so important as to get together with my brother."

"It's something ... serious" in that the door opens and the marauders arrive along with Lily Evans and Jenna.

"This will be a great party," says Sirius sarcastically.

Suddenly the tension reaches my body, as if, seeing everyone gathered was a slap of reality.

"Enough, Sirius," Remus scolds at him.

"Does anyone want to tell me why we're here?" Lily says crossing her arms.

"Not that I'm complaining to be by your side, Lily dear. But I also want to know," says James.

Remus sees me and I nod. He stands in front of everyone and draws their attention.

"I know you have many questions, for now I can't tell you... everything. I wanted to bring you together for an important reason, I have a plan for that reason not to happen. Today I'll just tell you that and then we'll have time to think about what to do during the holidays"

"What makes you think we'll accept, Lupin?" asks Regulus defensively.

"Because this involves two people we care about."

"What the fuck, Moony?" Sirius says furiously, approaching Remus.

But then he notices something and turns to me. He already knows what his friend is referring to.

"How could you tell them?"

"Sirius, calm down," says Lupin. Sirius growls.

"I don't understand anything."

"If you shut your mouth, Remus could tell you everything," I say annoyed.

"Whatever the princess commands," adds James, and I clench my teeth.

"Enough!" Screams Remus surprising us. "I asked you to behave and the first thing you do is fight like five-year-olds!"

"What's going on, Lupin?" Jenna says, he sighs.

"Although Sirius doesn't want to say it, we have a very important issue," He looks at me and I doubt for a moment, but there is no going back. "The Black family and the Singhs have arranged a marriage between Sirius and Persephone."

"What!?" Ask different voices.

Sirius ruffles his hair.

"How can they do that?" The questions began to fall. Regulus and Jenna approach me while the others go with Sirius. So many voices, questions and screams overwhelm me, I step back until my back hits a wall.

"Silence!" Remus's voice echoed throughout the room. We all turn to him and he removes the wand from his neck. "How many times do I have to repeat it? I'm tired," He raises his wand and casts a spell by muting everyone's voice except Sirius and me. "Nobody is going to interrupt us."

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