Chapter 3

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Percy POV:

After several days, the weekend finally arrived. I can't believe my first week has been so stressful! And I'm aware that all this anxiety is inside me, outside everything is good: Classes were easy and our work was simple, the only difference was the warnings about our OWLS. All my friends got scared, but not me. It's nothing I can't handle.

All I usually care at school has been shadowed by the whirlwind of thoughts destroying my head and distracting me from my normal life. I tried to keep myself busy, so I finished all my schoolwork for the week and now I'm sitting here, under a tree in front of the lake with my legs tightly against my chest and my chin resting above them. My eyes fixed on the water.

I feel a knot in my throat and something stinging on my chest, each day grows uncontrollably, the memories from my past vacations coming back harsh as ever.

They were a family. They had done nothing wrong and I... I didn't do anything to stop their terrible fate. Even though I had the chance.

Tears are pouring over my face, my father's dark eyes chase me and his screams resonate in every single one of my nightmares.

My own family expects me to become a muggle murderer. Voldemort and all his followers are starting to grow and my parents are more than willing to participate but this family... they hadn't done anything wrong. I could see the terror in their eyes... in the boy's eyes.

I couldn't do it.

The muggles are scared. Like us, they have jobs and families, they have... a destiny that has nothing to do with ours. What makes us different is magic, but they don't know that. They don't know we exist. Most of them, anyway.

Is it different with muggles parents? Being a half-blood, why am I supposed to hate them? Why are my parents so blind that they see muggles as enemies?

If a conflict arrives, we have resources, more than them. All magical, but, if they have none... Why do we have to hurt or kill them? Why do we hate them?

"I see you're losing your time," I jump slightly at the voice. Raising my head, I see my older sister Juno.

I let out a sigh and turn back to the lake.

"I don't have anything else to do," I see her sit next to me by the corner of my eye.

"Why the long face? Oh, don't tell me you're still crying about what happened back home," I clench my teeth and she just chuckles, "I admit that at first it's hard, and a little weird, won't lie about that. But then you get used to it, you even enjoy it. Get rid of muggles and traitors..."

"And what if I don't want to get used to it?"


"I don't want to," I blurt out.

"Stop being a baby and face your fate, Persephone," She replies passing a hand through her hair.

"You're sounding like Dad," I huff.

"And what's wrong about that?" I close my eyes for a moment, and when I open them, I decide to face her.

"You've never wondered why do we all hate muggles so much?"

"Don't start that," She rolls her eyes, "just do what Dad says and-"

"Wait, you mean I just start to kill people and nothing else? Oh, right. Cause that's so easy. How did I never think of that?"

"I knew you'd be the weakest. You know, for a moment I believed all your act, you could fool our family and I think even yourself by annoying all the muggleborns in our school, but just look at you while after seeing my dad in action, getting rid of a few scum. I guess your real you finally came out. I'll wait to see what kind of punishment does my dad use on you once we get to your imminent treason."

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