male supernatural reader

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If you don't like the fact that it's a male reader, then just change it to what ever you want it to be

3RD pov:

During the best friend squad's adventure, they had heard of a dangerous world with many mysterious people and places. When they arived, the whole world seemed ominous. Dark, gloomy Skies, heavily damaged buildings barely staying up and heavy rain to fit the mood. But unknowingly to them, they were being watched by a certain someone...

Catra: well so much for this place being lively, perfuma.

Perfuma: I'm sure there's a lot of lovely people here, we just haven't found them yet.

The group already wanted to leave this deserted city, but decided to explore the place first. During their search, they couldn't help but get the feeling that someone or something was watching them. They found traces of people like lit fires, food and strange creaking in the buildings, but no one was here.

Adora: huh, I guess there really was nobody here. Oh well let's just go home.

As they were about to leave, catra heard footsteps coming from behind them. As she turned around, she saw a silhouette of a tall man.

Catra: uh, guy's? I think I found someone.

Frosta: where?

Catra: over the--

As she looked back, the man had disappeared.

Catra: I swear I saw someone over there. Maybe we should find them.

Mermista: we just searched most of this city. If there was someone, don't you think we would of seen them?

Before catra could respond, a loud noise rang through the city, causing some of the buildings to bend back.

Bow: what was that?

Adora: for the honor of GREYSKULL!

The group tried to find the thing causing this, but they couldn't.

Glimmer: what's going on?

She ra: I don't know, but let's keep an eye out.

Everyone was freaking out. No one knew what to do, or what was causing this.

She ra: yourself!

Right after she had said that, the man showed up in between two buildings. Now worried, bow tried to talk this out.

Bow: hi there, do you want to be friends or something?

Y/n: ok.

Bow: wait, really?

Y/n: yes. Would you mind if we play a game?

Bow: sure? What game did you have in mind?

Y/n: it's a game where I take you, and your friends try and get you back.

Suddenly the ground started shaking, and everyone besides y/n and bow was moving really slow for some reason. During this time, y/n took bow and vanished.

Glimmer: BOW!

She ra: we have to get him back.

Mermista: but how? That guy just vanished!

She ra: he had to have gone somewhere nearby, so we'll split up into groups and try to find them. Mermista with frosta, and catra with perfuma. I'll go by myself because I'm she ra.

Now with a plan to find bow, the group heads off into different detections.

Y/n pov

I have kidnapped bow and taken him to my home. His friends shouldn't leave this place before I'm done, so afterward I could take his friends too. Oh man, taking she ra and her buddies would definitely make master proud.

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