i dont wanna b ur friend

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i woke up the next day determined to make a good impression on my school. well, at least a good impression for me. like blow their minds and have one of those movie slowmotion walks down the hallway with everyone asking "who's the new girl". 

i got dressed in a dark green pleated skirt and an oversized vintage tshirt (orrr whatever u wanna wear ><). on top of that, i threw on of my dads old black sweaters. the least he could do for me was have good taste in fashion. i put on my black converse, did some black smudged eyeliner and went downstairs. i was greeted by my brother eating. my parents were long gone to work. "so how we feelin about first day?" he asked, breaking the silence.

"i feel like blasting death metal as i walk in" i replied, chuckling back to him. he knows me so well i dont know how he still agrees to live with me. every since i was young, it was always me and my brother against the world. we shared a room until now and we get along really well. there's 8 years between us, but it feels like we're twins. "goodluck on work today tho" i added, knowing how much his new job means to him. 

i grabbed a banana, threw it in my backpack to save it for lunch and started walking to school. yet again, i was feeling like i got lost every two streets but i eventually found the imposing school building. i would be a big liar if i said i wasnt nervous. i was shaking. i played i dont wanna be your friend by eyedress because that song always makes me feel better. i already saw so many new faces, it was like being thrown into the sea without knowing how to swim. panic.

- - - - - - - - - third person pov.

"hey! new girl!" you heard a familiar voice and turned around. "sunny!" you exclaimed as he jogged to you. relief washed over your face as you didnt feel so alone anymore. "nice to see you here!" he said excitedly. you both walked to the entrance, until someone called sunny's name. "i uhh i gotta go but ill see you later" he started walking towards the girl that called his name. she looked your way and you realized then and there that sunny was a lot more trouble than you had thought.

you threw yourself in the deep ends of the school all on your own and started searching for your classroom. everyone seemed pretty nice by now. you decided to put on your intimidating, powerful act though, just to be sure. you found your class and were about to go in when someone bumped into you. "ryder?", he looked up at you and smiled. "y/n! im glad were in the same school" he gathered his books from the floor and sat back up. something about ryder made your heart go crazy. he was so chill and kind, you could see it from a mile away. "oh, what class are you in?" you managed to ask, looking away from his glance. "im a sophmore, and im assuming youre a freshman" he said raising his eyebrows. you nodded and sat in comfortable silence for the next few seconds. "well then, have a great first day lil one" he ruffled your hair and left. ryder was so warm and welcoming, you couldnt help but keep a big smile on your face after what just happened. 

you gathered all your courage and entered the classroom. everyone turned their heads to see you and the head teacher welcomed you. she told you to introduce yourself. you spotted sunny sitting at last desk next to the window. he smiled when he saw you. "hi everyone, i-im y/n and its nice to meet you all" you were proud of yourself for not stuttering too much. "you can sit next to julie." you sat down in the second to last desk, next to a very cute girl with dark hair, big brown eyes and cool, bright colored outfit. she seemed really nice and something in you made you think youre gonna be good friends. 

- - - - - - - - back to ur pov.

first few classes went by super fast and it was already lunch time. i got up from my seat and julie asked me if i wanted to eat with her and her friends. i obviously accepted. it felt nice to not be so alone on my first day after all. we went to the cafeteria, got our food and started walking towards the table julie saw her friends were at. on our way there, i saw the girl that was with sunny earlier. she eyed me and before we could walk past her table, she shouted, "new girl! come here" she had a mischevious smile on her face that made me second guess going. "bro you have to go. the hottest girl in our school just called for you y/n, its against the law if you dont" julie whispered and pushed me foward. i went and sat down. 

"i'm estee nice to meet you!" i introduced myself as well, and stared at her for a while. she was so incredibly beautiful. she looked like a painting. "so... me and my friends are going out later, wanna come?" i looked at the other 3 girls sitting at the table and hesitantly said, "yeah sure". i felt like they were too cool to hang with me, so i told myself that there was certainly something else going on. i was secretly really hoping to be wrong though.

i finished eating early and left the cafeteria. estee gave me her number and told me to wait for her call. i was walking around the school and found a stairway to the roof. my interest was peaked, and since i had like 10 more minutes left till next class i decided to play dora the explorer. the moment i got out there, i realized it was beyond amazing. the view was so wide and the sun shining above made it feel like a movie scene. i heard a piercing sound of wheels on concrete and turned around.


"we meet again" he says, speeding next to me and sitting down on his board. "saw you sitting with estee and the girls earlier" i nodded and looked up at the sky. "i have a bad feeling so feel free to warn me if theres anything going on" i replied finally, then started laughing. "what is it?" he said, startled at the sight of my usually serious expression turning into a big smile.

"it's such a fucking sunny day and i'm sitting on the roof with a boy named sunny" i continued to laugh, lost in my own lame joke. i heard the bell ring and got up, but sunny grabbed my arm. "don't go" he mumbled. "man, it's my first day! and you want me to skip??" i said and pouted. "it's gonna be worth it i promise"

"it better be sun boy"

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a/n : didnt want this to get too long so stay tuned for the next chapter ;) i decided to include estee played by alexa demie because im in love with her sjhdjsdj no, but she really is fitting for this character. also, u can imagine julie however u like, and the other 3 friends of estees as well (i will give them some random names tho)! :) 

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