s i x t e e n • the burrow

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In the morning we ate breakfast in the garden. There was no way we could all fit in the tiny dining room inside, so Bill and Charlie had set up two long tables and thirteen chairs, one remaining empty for Harry once Arthur, Ron and the twins went to pick him up.

Breakfast with the Weasleys was great as usual. Molly's food was always delicious.

However, all throughout the morning, Percy was showing off about how his new job was so important and how he knew something that was going to happen at Hogwarts this year. Something that only him, Arthur, Bill and Charlie knew. Fred and George were very curious, as were me, Hermione and Ron.

Before long, Mr. Weasley, the twins and Ron headed to pick up Harry. They were flooing there, which was surprising, since Harry lived in a muggle home with his aunt and uncle. I didn't question it though. I was sure Mr. Weasley knew what he was doing.

We were all standing in the kitchen, next to the fireplace, waiting for the four Weasleys to return with Harry, but we soon got bored of standing around. Bill and Charlie sat down at a small table, chatting amongst themselves. Me, Hermione and Ginny were standing next to the fireplace, leaning on the wall.

Ron was the first one back. "The others should be right after me, dad had to blow up the Dursley's fireplace!" He said, grinning as he thought this was very amusing. He sat down next to Bill and grinned.

"Had to blow it up?" How do you mean?" Hermione asked.

"Well the muggles had the fireplace blocked off. Apparently they had a fake fireplace of sorts, eklectic, you know." He explained to Hermione, who rolled her eyes and corrected Ron, "Electric." She said, as George came through with Harry's trunk and Hedwig's cage.

"Hello again," he said, nonchalantly, placing the trunk and cage by the door and sitting down at the table next to Charlie.
He was smirking evilly, the same smirk he had usually when he and Fred managed to pull off a prank. I squinted my eyes at him suspiciously.

Next was Fred. He came through swiftly and stood next to me. "Wait for it, little Black." He said, before he and George shared a look. If possible, my eyes narrowed even more, definitely sure Fred and George had pulled some sort of trick on Harry's muggle relatives, perhaps even Harry's whale of an uncle.

A couple minutes later, after mindless chatting about how the muggles were acting completely stupid when they had arrived, as if scared for their lives, Harry came through.

Fred was first on him.

"Did he eat it?!" He asked excitedly, holding out a hand and pulling Harry to his feet, Oh no they didn't...

"Yeah." Harry said, "what was it?"

"Ton-tongue toffee." Said Fred brightly, "George and I invented them. We've been looking for someone to test them on all summer!"

I made a mental note not to accept anything from Fred and George from now on.

Charlie was first to introduce himself to Harry, just like he was with me. Bill was next, and Harry seemed just as amazed by Bill's coolness as I was. Harry noticed me and his eyes widened. I could almost see the questions forming in his eyes about where I had been all summer and how his godfather was.

He bolted for me, hugged me tightly before pulling away, "I want to hear everything about your summer." He said, not bothering to whisper.

George stepped up, "bit keen are you, Harry?" He asked, his tone casual but something in his eyes made me feel as though his casual manner was forced.

"Yeah, Harry, let the girl breathe." Fred piped in. I laughed, but nodded at Harry, understanding the double meaning behind his statement.

With a sudden pop, Arthur Weasley apparated into the room, looking angrier than I had ever seen him. "That wasn't funny, Fred," he began, "what on earth did you give that muggle boy?"

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