t h r e e • professor dumbledore

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Taking a seat at the Slytherin table, slightly shaking from nerves, I looked at Harry, who seemed disappointed. I searched his face for anger, but he just seemed confused and sad.
I searched Remus' face for any sign of negative emotions, but he seemed fine with the fact I was a Slytherin, still clapping along with the rest of the teachers and the Slytherin table. Looking at me with the same smile as before. Thank Merlin. It made me have hope that my mum would react the same.

I had taken a seat next to Fiona, who was sitting by herself, not talking to anyone. She seemed more than happy to have me be in her house, clapping louder than anyone.

"I cannot wait for this year! I finally have a normal friend in my year! I've only gotten close to Cormac over my two years at Hogwarts. I'm sure we'll all be great friends." She had told me, I had smiled politely at her, while still looking at Harry and his friends longingly.

"Black huh?" A boy sitting opposite me asked, his blonde hair perfectly styled and icy blue eyes twinkling with a strange interest.

"You." I said. It was the same boy I had met in madam Malkins shop in Diagon alley. The one who had been rude to Kreacher. I glared at him.

"Draco Malfoy, we met at madam Malkins, I didn't have the chance to introduce myself." He said.

"Yes, because before you could, I threatened to throw you off the London eye. I still stand by what I said." I snapped. Fiona laughed next to me. Draco looked amused. I didn't see anything funny in this situation.

"So, any relation to Sirius Black?" He asked. My jaw clenched.

"None of your business." I said.

"Hmm," he pretended to think, "I'll take that as a yes." He said. "Was he your uncle? He never had kids I don't think? Then again, I don't think Regulus had kids either-"

"None of your business." I repeated.

"But I'm asking so nicely..." he mocked.

"Aren't you half-Black too, Malfoy? I believe your mother and the infamous Sirius Black are cousins, no?" Fiona said to him, and he shut up.
I wanted to tell Fiona the truth, but I didn't trust her completely yet. I didn't trust anyone here besides Remus and perhaps Dumbledore. They were also the only people who knew the truth about Sirius Black being my father. My mother had sworn them to secrecy and told them that when I was ready, I would tell whoever I wanted to tell. I knew I wasn't ready just yet.

I was tired to say the least, so when the feast ended and I was led to our dormitories by Fiona, I took Cacteye into my arms as she purred and stroked her fur that always seemed to turn silky soft when she was in my arms. I fell into a deep sleep before I even met my other roommates, who were all whispering about my name and possible relation to the notorious murderer while I was sleeping soundly in my green four poster bed, dreaming that I was still in our homey New York loft with my mother.


Next morning I woke up to Cacteye climbing on top of my head, seemingly restless. I laughed and played with her a little bit, before sitting up and heading to the bathroom to wash up. Classes didn't start until tomorrow and for all I knew I had no plans for today, allowing me to get a lie in.

That was before Fiona barged in the room, making everyone - asleep or awake - jump up in their beds.
"Guinevere, get dressed, Dumbledore himself is in the common room to see you."

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