n i n e • home

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Malfoy carried me through the school, at first I thought he was taking me to the hospital wing, but as we passed the corridor leading to it, he went up some stairs and carried me through a hallway I had never been down before. My eyes were drooping, my vision was still blurry, but suddenly we were in a large, cozy room that resembled a common room, but I had never been to this one before.

He set me down on a sofa and pointed his wand at the fire, which lit up immediately and warmed me up straight away. He shuffled and disappeared behind a bookshelf in the room. I took this as a chance to take off my coat, scarf and hat, leaving me in just my green jumper and leggings. My boots were soaked and my feet were cold and wet. So I proceeded to take off my socks and warmed up my feet by sitting on them.

Draco came back not long after, with two blankets and a tray of sandwiches and placed them on the table. I wrapped a blanket around myself, cuddling into it and letting the warmth fill me up.

"Do you want to talk about what happened just now?" He asked. I shook my head, making a jolt of pain shoot through my head. I hated crying, my head hurt like a bitch.

After what he had just done, taken care of me, carried me out of sight and away from prying eyes, I trusted him, but I couldn't speak about what had just happened.

"Can we talk about anything other than what just happened?" I asked, my voice nasally and croaked.

"Sure." He said, but didn't say anything else.

"Are you going home for Christmas?" I asked, he nodded.

"Yeah, my parents asked me to come, you?"

"I am yes, I didn't want my mum and house elf to be alone. I miss them." I said.

"Oh." He said, no doubt remembering when we first met. He had been incredibly rude to Kreacher.

"So it's just you and your mum then?"

"Well no, we're having Fiona and Cormac's families visit us for Christmas. It's always just been me and my mum. You know all about my father I assume." I said, trailing off.

"Yeah-" he trailed off as well.

"Draco, if you don't mind me asking, why are you afraid of your father?" I asked, curiously. He sighed.

"By now I know I can trust you, you've had every chance to embarrass me in front of everyone, but you haven't. So here goes-" he began. "My father has been cruel to me all my life. He expects too much of me, sometimes I feel that I can't stand the pressure. When I was a child, he would beat me for the smallest things. Once I was caught stealing sweets from the pantry, my mum caught me and tried to keep my father from finding out. Our house elf at the time, Dobby, accidentally spilled the beans to him and I got a beating. He was in an extremely bad mood that day and if my mother hadn't been there to stop him, I don't know what he would've done to me. That's why I hate house elves so much." He stated with a sneer that I knew wasn't directed at me.

"You should meet my house elf, Kreacher. Properly meet him I mean. He's old, but loyal and he makes the best meals for me when my mum is at work." I said with a smile. "Not all house elves are blabbermouths, trust me." I said.

"Yeah, I'm-" he paused, as if saying this was hard for him. "-sorry for the way I treated him by the way." He said.

"It's alright." I said. "I'm sorry about your dad. Nobody deserves that." I said.

"So, since we're already late for dinner, would you like a sandwich?" Draco said with a devilish grin. I laughed.

"Won't Pansy miss you?" I asked, laughing at the sour expression on his face.

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