s e v e n t e e n • the quidditch world cup I

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At about four in the morning, Mrs Weasley knocked on the door and forced us up from our beds.

"Up, girls, you need to get some food in you before you set off." Molly said, making Ginny groan loudly as she turned over, me copying her actions. Hermione sat up silently and started pulling on socks and was out the door before neither me or Ginny had even opened our eyes.

"How? How can she do that? Just get up so easily?" Ginny asked, still stretching and yawning.

"A superpower, I reckon." I said, now sitting up too and noticing myself in the mirror, my hair was a right mess.
I found my hairbrush from my trunk and ran it through my hair multiple times, before rubbing my eyes and getting up, pulling some socks on as Hermione had done.

"Come on," I said to Ginny, who was now also sitting up on her bed, a very pained expression on her face, as if getting up from bed was the hardest thing she had ever had to do.

I seized her arm and pulled her up, almost falling over, before we headed downstairs for breakfast.

Mrs. Weasley had prepared a banquet of eggs, bacon, toast and baked beans, that were all steaming. A delicious smell wafted throughout the small kitchen.
Arthur, Fred, George, Harry, Hermione and Ron were all already sat at the table, eating.

"How come Bill, Charlie and Percy get to sleep in?" Ron asked, jealousy in his voice as he yawned loudly.

"Well they're apparating aren't they? So they get to have a bit of a lie in." Mrs Weasley said, now shovelling bacon and eggs onto Harry's plate.

"Percy can apparate now?" Harry asked with curiosity.

"Yeah," Ron replied, swallowing his eggs before continuing, "passed his test just last week, he's been apparating downstairs every morning just to prove he can do it." He finished, making me chuckle slightly as he shovelled in some more eggs. I really wondered sometimes how he was still tall and skinny with how much he ate.

"Come on, hurry up now kids, we have a bit of a walk." Arthur said as he finished his breakfast.

"Are we walking to the world cup?" Ginny asked, making Arthur shake his head, "oh no, we'll be taking a portkey. It's been a right mess organising all the people and how they would get to the cup. Two hundred portkeys all around Britain. The nearest portkey to us is up on Stoatshead hill."

As I finished my last piece of toast hastily, everyone had already gone up to their rooms to change. I hurried to Ginny's room, grabbed my emerald bag where I stuffed my wallet that held my pocketmoney, my wand and some Chocolate Frogs. The game could go on for days as Ginny had reminded me last night, so I figured having some food would probably be smart.

I took more care than usual when selecting my clothes. I wanted to be comfortable but also look good. Ever since Draco's letter last night, I felt an anxious knot in my stomach, knowing I would see him at the Cup.
I ended up wearing a green knitted sweater with some black jeans and black ankle boots with a small heel. Comfortable, but presentable nonetheless. With my hair up it a ponytail, I set off with the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione towards Stoatshead hill.

The walk wasn't long, maybe 20 or 30 minutes, and when we arrived, Arthur ushered us to start looking for the portkey.

"What does a portkey look like?" Harry asked me with confusion.

"Oh," I kept forgetting that Harry didn't have a magical upbringing and needed explaining sometimes, "it's something small, they can be anything, unobtrusive things, so muggles don't pick them up and start playing with them." I explained.

"Arthur! We've got it here." A stranger yelled from a little way away. He was a short, plump man with glasses, holding an old boot in his left hand. A boy, only a couple years older than us, stood by his side, smiling.

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