e i g h t e e n • the quidditch world cup II

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A hundred thousand witches and wizards were taking their places in the seats, which rose in levels around the long oval field. Everything was suffused with a mysterious golden light, which seemed to come from the stadium itself. We could hear snippets of conversations, laughter and some people were even singing.

We were sat at the highest box. The box usually reserved for ministry officials and the Minister for Magic himself. Just as I was thinking this, the minister appeared from the stairs, signing furiously to a grumpy-looking, bearded man. I assumed he was the Magical minister of some other far away country, that would explain why Fudge was signing so vigorously.

I looked away as the minister noticed us, only managing a small smile as he drew nearer, chatted a little to Harry and Mr Weasley and explained that I had been right, the man accompanying him was the Bulgarian Minister of Magic, who didn't understand a word of what Fudge was saying.

Behind us, on the highest seat at the booth, sat a house elf. For a moment my mind went to Kreacher, who I had not seen all summer, since he was at Grimmauld Place seeing to the house. The house elf here though, was slightly smaller and wearing a dirty tea towel, whereas Kreacher wore a large pillowcase, which was tied around his shoulders. Harry had noticed the elf too.

"Dobby?" He asked, just as shocked as I was. Did he know this elf? The elf removed their hands from their eyes and looked at Harry, eyes widening as she (?) looked at Harry's scar. I guessed that she was female, it was hard to tell with house elves, but as the elf spoke, her voice was certainly higher pitched than Kreacher's.

"Did sir just call me Dobby, sir?"

"Sorry, I just thought you were someone I knew." Harry looked slightly disappointed.

"But I knows Dobby too, sir." The elf replied, who was shielding her face as though blinded by light, though the top box wasn't that brightly lit, "my name is Winky, sir, and you sir, you is surely Harry Potter."

I zoned out from the conversation as I saw three white blonde haired people enter the top box. The first to enter, was certainly Lucius Malfoy, a wizard with long blonde hair that reached down to his waist. He was rather good looking, but he and Draco didn't share many features, except perhaps the icy blue eyes. I had seen Lucius Malfoy once before of course, but that wasn't the real him.

Right behind Lucius was a woman, who I presumed to be Draco's mother. She was pretty too but her looks were spoiled by the fact she had a constant unpleasant expression on her face, as if she had a horrible smell under her nose. She also didn't share much of Draco's features, I thought curiously. Her hair, blonde with black streaks, differed from her husband and son, even though it could be altered. But her eyes, which were a beautiful brown, were very different from Draco's. I supposed that was just how genes worked. You simply didn't look like your parents sometimes.

Next of course, was Draco. He looked as handsome as ever with his black suit, no wrinkle in sight. I tried to suppress the little jolt of excitement in my stomach as he entered the box, his eyes finding mine in a matter of seconds. He smiled, but as his father started strutting towards the Weasleys, frowned slightly. He knew what was coming before it came.

"Ah Fudge, how are you?" Lucius Malfoy said as he spotted the minister, "I don't think you've met my wife, Narcissa, or our son, Draco." He said, his voice sounding bored.

"How do you do, how do you do?" Fudge said, smiling and bowing to Narcissa and Draco.

"And allow me to introduce to you, Mr Blensk.. er Obelensk, well he's the Bulgarian minister for magic and he can't understand a word I'm saying anyway so never mind." Fudge chuckled slightly, "and let's see, you know Arthur Weasley I dare say?"

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