t h i r t e e n • the prediction

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On the way back to the castle from the quidditch pitch, I was surrounded by ecstatic Gryffindors, being hugged by Fred an George on either sides of me, singing a song of victory.

We won, we won!
And Slytherin has lost!
Snakes, you SUCK!
And Gryffindor is best!

Go, little worms,
Slither back into your hole!
Hear us roar,
Cause lions swallowed you whole!

"No offence, babe, you're our favourite snake." Fred said as he finished the last line. I giggled.

"Yeah, like a cobra, or.. OH! The Black Mamba!" George exclaimed excitedly, hugging me tighter and grabbing and hugging Fiona with his free hand.

"Oh yeah, the most badass snake in the whole wide world!" Fred went on with a grin, doing the same as his brother and taking ahold of Ginny on his other side.

"Hey! What about me?" Fiona asked, with mock sadness.

"A worm, a little slimy mud worm." George said, earning a slap on the arm from Fiona, but she laughed nonetheless, knowing the boys were just kidding around.

"So we're throwing a party tonight, no Slytherins except for you two, wanna come?" Fred announced.

"Sure! What time do you want us?"

"Around 9, me and Fred have to run to Hogsmeade to get drinks, you girls go pamper yourselves and we'll see you in two hours." George said, staring off to where Harry was being carried by Wood and some other older Gryffindor boys while holding the gleaming quidditch cup.

"Alright, congratulations on the win again." I said  for the tenth time as we separated, the Gryffindors heading up the stairs and us heading down to the dungeons.

The party meant that we had to sneak out after curfew, but that shouldn't be a problem if we managed to avoid Filch and Peeves, but I was sure Fred and George had Peeves occupying Filch for the whole night. The twins were the only people who somehow had an understanding with the poltergeist.

It didn't take us long to get ready, Fiona had slicked her bushy red hair back with sleakeasy potion and had it up in her signature ponytail, with earrings that hung down her earlobes in the shape of circles. I had never seen such jewellery before, but apparently they were called hoops and muggle girls loved to wear them. Her outfit was simple like her makeup, a red jacket and black turtleneck with jeans and winged eyeliner. After some pimple removing spells from the book she had given me for Christmas, she was set.

And so was I. I had my hair in two dutch braids, I was wearing winged eyeliner similar to Fiona's but in brown, not black. My clothes consisted of some black jeans and a cream long sleeved T-shirt.

Fiona had objected to the simplicity of my outfit, but I shut her down. There was no point dressing up since it was just a common room party, not a ball.

And there we were, twenty-five minutes past nine, standing outside the portrait of the fat lady, waiting to be let in.

We didn't know the password. We usually did but since the whole break in ordeal, the password changed every week and Cormac stopped filling us in since he was having trouble remembering himself.

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