f i v e • hogsmeade

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October came faster than I could expect, along with my birthday. I woke up on the 31st of October with a groan. I liked my birthday when I was at home, but I hadn't told anyone that my birthday happened to fall on Halloween.
Today was a Saturday, which meant that the first trip to Hogsmeade was today and after all of us were back from the village we would have a great feast to celebrate Halloween.
I packed a bag for the day and got dressed in a light brown jumper and some black leggings. I looked over to Fiona's bed to see it empty. I figured she had already left for breakfast, so I headed to the great hall to join her. To my surprise, I saw Cormac sitting alone, Fiona was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, how'd you sleep?" Cormac asked after I had sat down.

"Good. Will you be coming to Hogsmeade with us?" I asked.

"Yes, I will. Fiona won't be going though. She told me yesterday, she needs to do some research for Arithmancy." Cormac stated, taking a sip of his pumpkin juice.

"Oh, alright." I said, "have you seen her? She wasn't in the dormitories."

"Yeah she's- over there." Cormac said with a slight sneer. I looked over to where he was pointing and saw her sitting with a dark haired Ravenclaw boy at his table. No wonder I had missed her, the boy was so large and buff that Fiona was almost completely hidden behind his broad shoulders.

"Who is that?" I asked, my tone almost annoyed.

"Roger Davies, he's in fifth year, he's the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain and Fiona is apparently his new girlfriend." Cormac said, seeming rather disappointed. I was pretty sure Cormac was into Fiona and that's why he was using that tone.

"When did that happen?" I asked, watching as Roger twirled Fiona's hair around his index finger while she fed him a muffin.

"They've been talking since last year, but he asked Fiona out for the first time yesterday, didn't she gush to you about it?"

"No, she didn't." I said. The fact that Fiona hadn't shared this with me sent an uncomfortable feeling to my stomach. Even though we hadn't known each other for long, I thought she wouldn't stop talking about such news, and me and Fiona had become closer than she had been with anyone else, except for Cormac.

"So I'm guessing that Arithmancy homework is probably code for tea at madam Puddifoot's with Roger." Cormac said, playing with his food.

"Come on cheer up now, if you want we can pretend to go on a date there so we could spy on them? We could even wear disguises, I'll dress up as the boy and you can wear a wig and pretend to be the girl." I said, poking his arm and trying to cheer him up. It seemed to work as he smiled and gave a small chucke at the thought.

He laughed. "I'll pass, but thanks." He said, I smiled.

"Okay, I'm only joking, but really, what's on the itinerary?" I asked, feigning some extra excitement just to keep his mind off Roger and Fiona, who were still being all lovey-dovey.

"I'll take you to Zonko's first. It's the best joke shop ever - they sell all kinds of pranking materials. Next we can visit Honeydukes, you'll love it. The Three Broomsticks is a lovely little pub where we can rest our feet and grab a butterbeer. And if you want something creepier we can visit the Shrieking Shack."

"Shrieking shack?" I asked, making Cormac go on a full spiel about it, saying that it was the most haunted place in England. My efforts to distract him were successful as I listened to him continue to talk about the supposed ghosts and poltergeists that took refuge there. He even swore that he saw one once.

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