t w o • dementor

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1st of September, 1994.
Me, my mother and Kreacher arrived at King's cross at exactly 10:50. The train was supposed to leave at eleven and that left us with exactly 10 minutes to find the magical platform and get on the train.
My mother had attended Hogwarts in her youth, so she knew where the entrance to the platform was. It was a seemingly ordinary brick wall, but when you walked through it, or ran, as many students seemed to prefer, you appeared on platform 9 and 3/4, filled to the brim with young witches, wizards and their parents. We walked through the masses without seeing any familiar faces, much to my dismay.

A wanted poster of my father was plastered on every possible post of the train station. Not even just one, I could count up to 20 if I wanted, and that wasn't even all of them. It was a horrible picture of my father, him screaming and pulling the chains that bound him. He was most likely screaming in pain and madness, not murderous joy as everyone seemed to think. Yes, he looked like a mad murderer screaming from sick joy out of killing 13 people, but I knew the facts. He was not the one who killed those people.

"Remus said he would take the train as well, I suggest you find him once you board." My mum said, pulling me out of my thoughts as she handed my trunk to a porter who placed it with many other trunks in the luggage wagon. I took Cacteye's cage and gave her a few snacks to comfort her, she seemed a little on edge. Her fur was starting to feel less soft and quite harsh under my touch. Maybe it was all the noise on the platform. Or maybe she could sense my uneasiness about my father's situation.

"Alright." I told my mum, before she pulled me into a massive bear hug. "I'm going to miss you so much Guinevere, don't let anyone treat you less than you are." She said, I smiled into her shoulder.

"I love you mum." She smiled and rubbed my shoulder comfortingly.

"Have a great year miss Guinevere." Kreacher said with his crooked smile. I smiled back.
"Thank you Kreacher." I said, before hearing the train whistle.

"Go now!" My mom said, I gave her one last quick hug before jumping on the train. "Find Remus!" She yelled after me, before the doors of the train closed and it started moving towards Hogwarts.

"Oh damn it sorry." A red headed girl said as she bumped into me in the wagon. She had bright green eyes and curly long red hair that was pulled up into a ponytail at the top of her head, her thick curls falling down her back.
She was wearing green robes with a snake emblem. Slytherin.

"Sorry, it was my fault, I wasn't paying attention." I said.

"I'm Fiona." She introduced herself. "I don't believe I've seen you before. Which house are you in?" She asked.

"Oh I don't know yet, I'll be sorted at the sorting ceremony with the first years, I transferred here from the states." I said. Even though Harry had warned me about Slytherin, how only dangerous and unlikable people are Slytherins, I found myself falling into step with Fiona, who was as friendly as ever.

"Oh cool, I can hear it in your accent."

"Yes! I'm told we have a specific accent, I've never realized it though." I told her. She smiled.

"Come on, sit with us," She said, pulling me into a carriage. "This is my best friend, Cormac McLaggen." She introduced a boy with sandy blonde hair. He was wearing red robes. Gryffindor.

I sat and chatted with them, forgetting completely about my mission to find my godfather.


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