Chapter 10

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With one more comment thrown into the air by Present Mic and both Alexis' and your own eyes never faltering in their wishes of sovereignty, the inner titans that dominated the freshman class of White River High now made themselves apparent.

"Ahahaha! How exciting! Let's get ready to finally see these Titans in action!" Present Mic yelled into his mic.

"Place Recovery Lady on stand-by." Another voice now finally chiming in, his voice calm yet watchful.

On to Chapter 10!

With a solid second to pass and a shaky exhale to finally ease your nerves, the final battle to claim victory had begun. Pulsing electricity left your legs as they propelled you forwards head-on. Twisting your body in order to ensure a hit but also to remain flexible if the moment demanded it, you met Alexis in the middle. With your flying kick blocked by a defending arm yet creating an evident din with a gust to accompany it, your exposed ankle now met biting flames. Using your muscle power to your advantage you used Alexis' arm to propel yourself off and land back on the ground before closing back in on her once more. 

With ferocity packed within each of your punches and Alexis' own meeting your own force on equal grounds, it had now become a battle of patience on which opponent would give out first. Never lacking in speed and ensuring that your footing never locked in place, embers and zaps of electricity reached towards the crowd like claws.

And with your battle of stamina continuing, your friends watched with captivated eyes. "Hey Tara," Xiana now threw towards the one who awakened your inner spirit. Leaning backwards slightly while keeping her eyes on you, Xiana now leaned closer to her ear. "Don't you think (Y/N)'s at a disadvantage here? They never used a school key." A cheeky grin made itself apparent on Tara's facial features, "They definitely did, don't worry." Surprised, "Really? When?" Never breaking her attention from your form that slowly began to dominate Alexis' in both speed and power, "When Alex used that second shitty-excuse of an ultimate move on them. Right before they jumped out of that dinky fire, they used a school key." An o-shape formed itself on Xiana's lips as she now grasped the full picture. 

Now finally watching you once more, it was evident on who was determined to win now. With greater impacts of fists colliding with defensive arms and palms and speed beginning to rapidly increase, your emotions now had full control over your movements. 'I felt bad at first to cause you pain, Alexis!' An assertive fist blocked downwards by your opponent followed. 'But after having such a disrespectful move like that pulled on me...' The thought of being put back in the raging tornado that reminded you all too well of painful memories, expressed itself within your bared fangs and fluid yet vengeful body. 'I can't help but not want to put you six feet under!' With your internal monologue feeding your electric state, your coiled arm and striking fist broke through Alexi's defenses and smashed into her skull. 'Those that try and subdue their opponent just by toying with their emotions are less than dirt!' A moment of striking revealed itself like an open present to you. Leaping before reeling your leg that now screamed to be sprung, 'Those that try and use cheap tricks and tactics will always be trash within my book!' Now not able to contain your inner monologue of anger, "I'll make you pay for trying to beat me with such a shitty move!" Like a coil being sprung, your leg now unleashed itself from its tight coil to allow your ankle to collide with the side of Alexis' skull. With a loud pop and a release of energy following her trailing head, the crowd watched it all in awe. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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