Chapter 6

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Clicking your tongue in the air and landing on the ground with ease, you furrowed your brows as you watched your opponent turn herself towards you. The raging fire that she had surrounded her body with only yelled trouble. "Fine..." You looked with unease as she began speaking. "If you really want to make this a battle," The red hair that sat comfortably on her head slowly began to rise, "then bring it on, rat!" The raging flames began to consume the ground; making haste to your frame.

"Ahahaha! The battle has finally begun! Who will win!? Who will lose?! This is a battle of the Titans! The Titans of White River High!"

On to Chapter 6!

With eating flames racing towards your feet, you aimed your palms at the ground. With the nipping feeling of jumping electricity under your skin begging to be relinquished, two strikes of rapid lightning lifted your body into the air. As you found yourself in the air, you turned your body to face your opponent who now had an open palm of flames aimed right towards you. 'Stay focused! Take aim-!' Readying your own dominant arm with your other supporting it, you forced your gathered energy form in your arm. As the energy poured into your aimed limb, Alexis let out her attack, "This game ends here, you pathetic rat!" With her cocky sentence irking you more than it should, your own outburst echoed in the arena as your forehead creased. "At least my vocabulary is more than just 'rat'!" With your sudden outburst adding more kick to your offensive move more than you had anticipated, electricity left your arm, leaving behind pins and needles. 

Letting a sudden yelp from the ejection of energy from your arm, you clenched your pins-and-needle arm with your other limb as you fell back to the ground. Landing with a kneel and with eyes located on Alexis whos frame stayed silent from the sudden dust cloud that had overtaken her, and the flame that once emitted from her ceased, the colosseum fell silent. 

"Ohoho! It seems that these titans of White River are beginning to show their impressive quirks! What will happen now?! Will these two students reveal the best of themselves or will one of them put down the other?!"

You sweat dropped slightly as you heard the pro-hero, Present Mic, laugh with excitement about how the whole battle was beginning to play out. And as your sweat drop formed, it grew suddenly as you saw a frame of your own face up on one of the jumbo-screens; your face scrunched with irate and the popping blue-veins of electricity about to be relinquished gathered in your arm. 'Geez! Is that what I look like?! I look a lot scarier than I thought I did!' With your head turned to the large screen depicting your face, the crushing of gravel brought you back to reality. 

With the sudden sound of crunching gravel echoing from the other side of the battle arena, you shook your static arm as you returned it back to your side. "You cheeky bastard..." A low, yet ominous voice beginning to erupt from the opposing side. With lips becoming a thin line and your body posturing itself, you listened intently for a key-sign of an attack. The grey fog that had surrounded Alexis slowly began to dissipate as she left the fog behind, "Do you really think," her frame finally revealing itself, "that you can just throw a little attitude towards me..." your eyes sharpened on her as you realized that your offensive move had struck her left side, paralyzing the left side of her body temporarily, "And think that you'll win?!" After finishing her sentence, the once flaming hair that stood tall on her head now reappeared like a raging phoenix. Already feeling the anger radiating off of this war-driven opponent, two words had subconsciously left your mouth, "Oh shit..." Taking the opportunity, Present Mic made his voice heard.

"It seems to be that the electric (L/N) has awoken a terrifying beast within the fiery Lohenian! And it looks like they're beginning to question their choices in life!" Amused laughs resulted from such a joke.

With your eyes suddenly flying to the jumbo-screen as the hero cackled, you saw clearly your intimidated expression and your small whisper in a loop. And what even irked you more, the words "Oh no!!" was plastered in the upper-right corner of the screen with popping colors and zany shapes surrounding it. With veins of irritation beginning to pop up all over your head, you shot a glare at where Present Mic was commentating; a glare that definitely didn't go unnoticed by him. With your sudden dark glare aimed directly at him, you saw his distant frame jump from the sudden look, mutter an awkward "sorry" into his mic, and then clear the screen. 

And with anger jumping to another individual instead, you heard a battle cry come from your opponent, "'Oh shit' is right, you cocky cunt! Now prepare to get your ass kicked!" You felt your face suddenly become gray with the lack of blood, 'Seriously?! At least have some decency to not curse as much you loudmouth! We're representing our school here!' Using her still moving side, Alexis locked her eyes and body on your frame and began to manipulate the growing fires that grew around her and also from the flaming pillars that stood at the corners of the battle area. Noticing where her consumption of flames was coming from, frustration began to bubble within you. "Not good..." You whispered under your breath as you watched the flames from the pillars flow towards her like running water. Alexis' pupils sharpened as she began to pour more of her energy into her growing attack, "This match was decided right from the beginning, (Y/N)!" 

Your breath left you temporarily as you saw the massive amount of flames towering over both you and Alexis, but you quickly ran back to your senses; a new focus beginning to set in. 'She's going to burn out at one point. It's happened every time in the past, and it's going to happen again!' The build up of energy now began to pulse within your body and back into your now-recovered arm. Bringing down the hell storm that yelled with fury, Alexis let out one last war cry as the red flames from her body enveloped the air and ground; eating the oxygen within the air. 

Doing the same tactic as before, you leapt back into the air using your quirk to avoid the flaming tsunami. "I'm not giving you a second chance!" Surprise written on your face that Alexis was still able to throw another attack, you suddenly shot yourself back to the ground as raging flames licked your hand, causing you to hiss from the pain. And the same process happened over and over again. Every time you landed, Alexis set off an attack on the ground. And every time you escaped to the air, she let out an offensive attack into the air as well. And her speed never showed any signs of stopping, but instead showed opportunity for increasing in speed. 

You continued to dodge her attacks with some burning here and there, the jumbo-screens in the colosseum recorded and broadcasted everything. With the gasps and wow's echoing from the stadium bystanders, Present Mic's excited yet dumbfounded commentary on both Alexis' attacks and your stamina, and Uncle Toshinori's nail biting for the hope that you would win; they watched as they saw Alexis' paralyzed left side begin to come back to life.

"Woaohohoh! It seems that (L/N)'s attack from earlier is finally beginning to subside and miss Lohenian's left side is beginning to be usable again! The electric (L/N) won't be able to stand a chance against the aggressive Lonhenian once she's able to use both of her sides!" 

The commentary that Present Mic yelled made your eyes widen with a mixture of fear and surprise. And as the last remaining sentences of the pro-heroes commentary process in your ears as you stayed in the air, you saw the crazed grin on your war-like opponent as her left hand was now placed on the ground and her right hand aimed at you. 

'I-' A sudden storm of fire now flew up to your nose, it's speed suddenly increasing and cutting off your mental commentary, 

'I can't dodge this!' 

{DISCONTINUED} The Kirin || A Reader x MHA/BNHA StoryWhere stories live. Discover now