Chapter 4

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The rest of the meeting went by smoothly and you agreed to do the round where both you and Alexis would compete to enter the famous school. After that, you were able to go home to prepare for your small tournament that would be happening in the next couple of weeks. And upon arriving, the same routine followed.

And it stayed that way until finally the day arrived.

Your own quirk evaluation test.

On to Chapter 4!

The day had came and you found yourself waiting in one of the student waiting rooms. It would be an understatement to say that you were nervous about this single event. 

With a jumping leg and a nervous sigh escaping you, you stared up at the ceiling as you kept your arms crossed over your chest; creasing your white uniform from your school. And as you kept staring at the ceiling to try and calm yourself down, the door of the waiting room cried gently as it was opened. 

Quickly your eyes dashed to the door and to your surprise, it was your one and only uncle, Toshinori. "Toshinori-sama?!" Jumping quickly to your feet. The large hero verified your surprised call and entered the room with you. "I'm glad to see that you're here, young (L/N)!" You rubbed the back of your neck as you nodded sheepishly. "Oh? Are you nervous?" Your back slumped at his question, "Yeah... It's just, I know the person that I'm fighting, that's why." With eyes slightly closing themselves as the thoughts about your war-like opponent made you slightly cringe. You felt a sudden, yet calm hand place itself on your head. Looking up with surprise evident in your eyes at the forever smiling hero, he pulled out a thumbs-out. "Don't worry about your opponent (Y/N). As long as you're willing to not go down without a fight, then that's all that matters!" A small smile made itself apparent on your face as you took off his larger hand over your head and placed it over your smaller ones. And as you did so, he whispered to you, "And not only that, remember that I'm rooting for you." He paused, causing you to tilt your head to curiosity, "Mainly because that girl is so mean!" You immediately sputtered as the pro-hero began telling you all about how rude your opponent was when he talked to her. 

After a solid five minutes of chuckling and talking about Alexis, you heard your name be called over the intercom. Nodding and receiving one last good luck from Uncle Toshinori, you were off. 

Leaning on the wall near the entrance of the fighting platform, you listened as Midnight gave her speech. Only listening to bits and pieces of it, you had suddenly caught a good chunk of it. "And before we end the Sports Festival and award our students, we have a special opportunity for two U.S. students from White River High!" Undeniable excitement and curiosity oozed from the crowd, making you grin a little to Midnight's little act. "These students from White River will have a battle! A battle for entrance into U.A.! So without further delay, here are our contestants! "With wild screams of excitement bouncing through the air, you tilted your head around the arch and could see that one of the many screens held both you and Alexis' profiles on it. You internally cringed at the way you looked, even though it looked completely fine to everyone else. 

But analyzing Alexis', you saw that her picture was littered with cockiness and an unshameful grin twisted on her lips. You sweat-dropped as you gazed at it, 'Geez Alexis... At least try and look friendly for once, can't you?' With your eyes still looking at the gigantic screens that allowed everyone to view both you and Alexis, you heard Midnight sing your name, adding a hint of favoritism towards you. Seeing your cue to finally step up by a small red light flashing, the sun quickly exposed you. 

Walking up the steps to the fighting platform as Midnight continued her overzealous announcement, your eyes locked on your opponent as wild cheers bounced in the air. Her grin grew wider by 10-fold as she saw you; cocky that she had this opportunity in the bag. And as you stared at one another with differing expressions, you could already tell that the crowd was beginning to pick favorites. 

Under the sunlight, it was easy to become infatuated with Alexis' good looks; she did almost as if glow. And with vibrant, bouncy red hair as hers, she was a good eye-catcher in any situation. You felt your shoulders slouch slightly as you began to compare yourself to your opponent.  Quickly realizing many things, you had found out that she was: extremely confident in not only quirk but also body, a pretty face and an alluring personality, and finally, a ferocious quirk. Trying to not show any signs of worry or shyness, you stood your ground as you felt the favoritism of the crowd begin to grow larger and larger. She did remind you of that one student with the spiky vanilla hair; but he at least had some manners compared to Alexis.

"Young Lohenian is here not only as a student, but also as a sidekick here in Japan!" Midnight yelled. 

"And Young (L/N) is only here as a student!" You felt irk marks appear on your skin at how lame you sounded. 'Great... Thanks Midnight!'

"And now, to finally let our contestants decide who will be able to attend U.A.," You and Alexis both prepared your bodies for the oncoming brawl as Midnight neared the end of her speech: you on the defense and Alexis on the offense. The air stood still as Midnight looked at you both before finally bringing her hand down,



Hello! I hope you are enjoying this story even though I don't update this story all that much! Sorry about that!

This story has kinda come off to a really awkward start but I'm trying to push past that and get you into U.A. with the other students! So please hold on for me if you can!

That's all that I got! Have a wonderful whateverthetimeisforyourightnow!

{DISCONTINUED} The Kirin || A Reader x MHA/BNHA Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن