Chapter 9

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You felt goosebumps on your skin as the very emotion of helplessness began setting on your nerves. You shook your head slowly as your lip shook. This isn't fair. This isn't fair! Your voice yelled in your mind. You felt as if you were being cheated by some sick game. A toy that was being made fun of in front of thousands. Emotions of anger, resentment, revenge, and despair sat on your heart as you began to take in shaky breathes. You were helpless in the triumphant hands of the fire.

But someone else wasn't.

On to Chapter 9!

Sarah looked at the flames in fear. She too knew that the ultimate move that Alexis used would subdue you if you weren't willing enough to win. Holding the sides of her head in anguish, "Oh no! No! No! No! Guys they're completely done for!" Her own tears beginning to form to watch you be subdued so easily. Tara, Xiana, and Luta all watched with mouths agape. Xiana covered her mouth slowly as Luta now leaned on her with eyes wide.  But Tara continued to watch you, watching in hopes that you would be able to escape from this one. 

But when she realized that you couldn't, her face contorted from surprise to undeniable anger. Slapping the concrete barrier walls with fury while stretching her neck out, her voice now yelled out to you as a second wake up call. 

"(Y/N)! Wake up already you damn idiot! Did none of Sarah's words reach those deaf ears of yours? Because if they didn't, you better be listening this time you good-for-nothing Titan!"

"What's this?! Another comrade now seems to be trying to awaken the sleeping (Y/N)! It's starting to get heated up in here!" The small pun that Present Mic threw out resulted in few chuckles, but all remained focused on Tara.

Your once drooping head in the revolving flames now rose as you could hear your friends words. 

"You are the very example of what students strive to be at White River High! You excel in both intelligence and power yet refuse to acknowledge it! And I'm not gonna sit around on my ass and wait for you to finally realize that fact anymore!" Spit flying from her mouth and canines revealed.

Your eyes widened at the prideful words that your friend carried to your ears. The opportunity of grabbing the impossible was now beginning to become obtainable.

"Accept the fact that you have your weaknesses, but never accept the fact that losing is an option! You are an undefeatable force of White River High that even has the capabilities of triumphing the leading seniors of our school!" Her words never dropping in their intensity.

Your head was now held higher as pressure began to build itself within your chest. Her words resonated within you, becoming the building blocks of grasping your hidden potential.

{DISCONTINUED} The Kirin || A Reader x MHA/BNHA StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora