Chapter 3

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You agreed to meet Nezu after school in the end, since you had been thinking about attending U.A. all afternoon. Once you both set up a time that fit both your schedules, you headed home, waiting for tomorrow. 

On to Chapter 3!

After your planned meeting with Nezu, you headed home. Your home was small, but not too cramped. It had all of the necessities that you needed to live in Musutafu: a room to sleep in, a bathroom, a kitchen, and other devices that would be needed in a home. Upon arriving, you set your bag down that you had collected at the agency that you worked at before making it to your room to do the rest of your nightly duties. 

They followed suit quickly, and were done within a few hours. Now being clean, have eaten, and all of the small miscellaneous things were taken care of, you made your way to your computer; it was time to talk to dad. 

You and your father weren't the best at communicating, but it was always apparent that you both did care for each other; it just wasn't as 'open' as other families. You opened up the small laptop that you brought with you from America and called up your father. It rang a few times before finally being accepted. 

"Hey dad."

"Hey (Y/N). How's Japan?" His voice groggy from having to wake up.

"It's fine. There's not much to do except do school work and regular work."

You watched as your father cocked a slight eyebrow. It was something that he would whenever he didn't like what he heard. "Ah, you're still working as a grocery stocker while doing your school work over there? I thought I told you to quit that."

Your conversation went on like this for several minutes about your job as a 'grocery stocker'. And then there was some clarification on your school work in the country also. 

"Oh, I'm going to be changing schools. I might be able to transfer to U.A. while also being able to stay here." 

"To U.A.? Wasn't that the school that was attacked? You're not really thinking of doing that, are you?" 

"I think I might. It's getting boring to just keep working on the computer and then go to the school to finalize and turn in some papers every week."

Your father hummed and the conversation ended there. Once hanging up on him, you groaned loudly, hating how your conversations with your father were always dry, empty, and awfully boring. Running a hand through your hair with a tight line on your face, you whispered, "Glad that's over..." Getting out of your chair while kicking it back into your desk, you walked to your bed, remembering that you had a meeting with a small animal. 


Morning arrived and you followed your routine. Upon finishing it, you made your way to the prestigious school that held your meeting. 

Arriving to the school was slightly slow, but never too slow. But upon standing there in front of the school, you were greeted with Nezu himself and your uncle, Toshinori. The muscular man who you came accustomed to as Uncle Toshinori flashed his pearly white teeth while holding a thumbs up as Nezu himself waved and greeted you with kind intentions. Flashing a smile yourself while also greeting the two of them, you followed them to where your conference would be held. 

The conversation itself was easy-going, it revolved around the idea of you attending U.A. after all. Nezu spoke to you about your current job as a pro-hero and also your school work and was happy to announce that they were all able to be easily taken cared of. But the only thing that couldn't be avoided was testing your abilities. "Now, (Y/N), I'm sure you are aware that registration has closed, correct?" You nodded at Nezu's words. "And because of that, we will have to resort to a different test." You cocked a brow when you listened, habitually leaning closer. "Here at U.A., we test students mind, body, and quirk in order to determine what class that they would fit in the best. And since registration has finished, I believe having you compete in the U.A. sports festival would fit you the best." Bewilderment was the only thing that could be seen on your face. "The sports festival?" You repeated, "But wouldn't that be something that only students should compete in?" The animal nodded. "Correct! But because of your special case, we will be setting up a small round for you and another potential student!" You listened to what was going to happen in the next few weeks. A small nod was all that was needed until you heard a familiar name come up. 

Blinking a few times out of confusion, "Alexis? From White River?" The small animal-principle nodded excitedly, "Indeed, (Y/N)! You and Alexis will be competing to enter U.A. . So please keep in mind that this test will not be like any of our standard tests!" You slouched in the chair that you sat in and let your lips become agape before nodding gently. 

The rest of what Nezu said never greeted your eardrums as you only thought about your opponent. Alexis, an aggressive and problematic girl was going to be your opponent, and it would be an understatement to say that she was war-driven. The female that you seemed to have accepted as someone to ignore was always one to start up fights out of nowhere and even torment and wreak havoc whenever she was bested by another. But all of her actions were always able to slip by due to her high grades and being a bootlicker to her higherups. You cringed internally as you remembered that irritating memory of Alexis realizing that you both were able to live, work, and study in Japan- boy was she pissed. Screaming, fighting, and eventually quirk-using filled that awful day. But luckily, both of you were stationed in different cities, so no other problems were able to arise. 

The rest of the meeting went by smoothly and you agreed to do the round where both you and Alexis would compete to enter the famous school. After that, you were able to go home to prepare for your small tournament that would be happening in the next couple of weeks. And upon arriving, the same routine followed. 

And it stayed that way until finally the day arrived.

Your own quirk evaluation test.


Hello! If you're reading this then I hope you're having a wonderful day! I also apologize if this beginning is extremely long, but I like to try and build up your character!

That will be all from me though, have a wonderful whateverthetimeisforyourightnow!

{DISCONTINUED} The Kirin || A Reader x MHA/BNHA StoryWhere stories live. Discover now