ii. scoping him out

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togami spent the rest of the day in bitter annoyance. naegi and maizono wouldn't stop flirting, and it was always directly over the poor boy's head. togami tried to ignore the stupid lovebirds, feebly attempting to filter out their useless chit-chat with a book, but nothing worked. their fruitless attempts at love combined with the foolish chatter of the rest of the class created a buzzing environment that togami simply couldn't stand. he had to snap eventually. "will you plebeians please lower your voices and allow me to work in peace?!"

an uncomfortable silence fell over the classroom, dying out with a chuckle from yasuhiro hagakure, the ultimate clairvoyant. "ah, sorry brah. gotta keep it chill, ya dig?" he laughed, obvilious to the static tension in the room. what an oaf, togami thought as hagakure fell silent, catching the hint. slowly but surely, the chatter returned at a lower volume than before. it was tolerable now. togami went back to reading his book, shifting positions so that he was holding the book with one hand and his other hand was on the table. he was fine with this until he realized that the table he had rested his hand upon was... warm. soft. not like a table at all.

togami's eyes trailed up to see naegi looking at him, confusedly. togami realized with a jolt that he had rested his hand upon the hand of naegi. the new boy, in the middle of talking with chihiro fukisaki, known as the ultimate programmer, gazed up at togami. "can i help you?" he asked, not unkindly. togami ripped his hand from the table, clearing his throat. it was only how he realized the height difference between himself and this brown-haired commoner. he was so petite he was almost feminine-looking. togami suddenly snapped back into reality to find naegi still looking at him.

"no. this is my table. i would ask you to refrain from using my space, but it's evident you're..." togami gave naegi the once-over with his eyes. "incompetent." naegi looked slightly wounded by this, but continued to talk to fujisaki. the girl, even smaller than naegi, told him that this was normal behavior and that togami always acted like this, so naegi shouldn't worry. their conversation was however cut short when the lunch bell rang. togami packed his things, ready to slip out of the room unnoticed, when a voice sounded behind him.

"hey, togami!" togami spun around to see that it was naegi, no surprise with maizono on his arm. "are you gonna be at maizono's party this weekend? you should come!" naegi offered a soft smile, which togami returned with a cold glare directed at maizono.

"perhaps i will attend. i doubt it will be worth my time, if all i will see there is maizono and her brand new toy," togami spat. he spun on his heel and promptly walked away, not seeing naegi glance at maizono with utter confusion, which she assured togami's words to be false. naegi simply nodded and disentangled himself from maizono, smiling gently at her and walking out of the classroom to fetch his lunch.

          in the hallway, naegi bumped into none other than togami. he profusely apologized, looking up and meeting togami's eyes. "oh— togami. my bad, i wasn't watching my step— hey, what are you doing?!" it was obvious what togami was doing. the tall, slender boy had makoto pinned against the wall, towering over him with a grim expression. he spoke in a low voice, so calm it sent a chill down naegi's spine.

          "stay away from maizono. she's a manipulative woman with no regard for her toys and their feelings." togami watched a cloud of doubt pass over naegi's face before letting him go. he was about to walk away when once again, naegi's voice stopped him in his tracks.

          "you're wrong!"

          togami scoffed in disbelief. "i beg your pardon?" he spat, dangerously.

          "i said you're wrong!" naegi had found confidence in himself to tell togami off. "maizono has been my friend since middle school. she's the most genuine person i know. it's not her fault that you're so..." naegi fought to find the correct word, then spat it out. "jealous!" naegi stood across the hall from togami, remaining in the spot he was when togami had pinned him. he stood with his fists clenched, back hunched. he looked mad. "nobody talks about maizono like that. not to my face." naegi looked up. "ever."

togami simply scoffed. "or what?" he declared. "what will you do to me to make me quake in my boots like you are so obviously doing?" togami smirked. "there's nothing you can do. i am a wall. impenetrable. titanium. good luck trying to shave me down."

"i can see through it, togami."

"wh-what?" togami had let his guard down, if only for a split second, confirming naegi's hunch.

"your front. i can see through it."

a/n: hey guys! this is chapter two of meant to be! i've decided that naegami is going to be an endgame ship, lots of slowburn, but don't worry- plenty of cute moments in between!! love you all <3

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