xviii. shower

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naegi's face broke out into a grin and he sat up, legs on either side of togami's torso. togami followed suit, letting naegi hold his cheeks. "i'll text maru and let her know," naegi whispered, pulling out his phone and tapping out a text to his little sister.

maru i'm not gonna be home tn, you good w dinner?

yea have fun w your bf asshole ;)

i will, love you

naegi grinned up at togami, a signal to pull the smaller boy close and place a kiss on his soft lips. naegi smiled. "can we watch a movie?" he asked quietly, wanting to spend some quiet time with his newfound flame. togami nodded and stood up, his back rippling with muscle. naegi couldn't stop himself from staring. he had found togami attractive ever since he arrived at hope's peak, but he never imagined how infatuated with the affluent progeny he would become. togami disappeared through the doorway and shortly returned with a disc.

a small part through the movie, which togami was thoroughly invested in, he felt a weight on his shoulder. a familiar, sweet smell tickled his nostrils, naegi's shampoo. the boy's head was on togami's shoulder. togami looked down at naegi, locking eyes with him as naegi sheepishly smiled. "i hope this is okay," he whispered, smiling as togami placed his arm around his shoulder.

the sun was setting outside the window, creating a warm golden glow in togami's bedroom. the movie was sweet background noise as togami played with naegi's hair. as it came to a close, togami yawned and looked down at naegi. the boy had started to fall asleep, the activity heavily relaxing him. togami gazed fondly down at naegi, who responded with a sleepy smile. togami gently kissed him, one finger holding his chin up.

          "you're making me sleepy," naegi murmured, leaning in for another kiss. his own kisses were soft and messy, landing on the corners of togami's lips and cheeks. togami smiled, letting naegi shower him with affection. naegi threw his arms around togami's neck, sighing and setting his head down. "i really like you, togami."

          "i like you too, naegi," togami mumbled. "i don't know how you managed to do it. but i've never felt such a connection to someone before. especially not... a boy. you have my heart. and you can keep it."

          "i'll take good care of it," naegi whispered. "i promise. i've never felt this either. i'm nervous."

          togami furrowed his brow, stroking the back of naegi's head. "why are you nervous?"

          "i've never been the good kind of lucky," naegi mumbled. "i want to be lucky with you. i've felt lucky. when you kiss me, when you touch me... it's fireworks. and i don't know how to stop the fireworks, and i don't want to." naegi sighed, nuzzling further into togami's neck. "i feel like i can let go with you. like i can kiss you and not worry about doing it too hard or if i'm hurting you by laying on top of you. i feel comfortable."

          "you should always feel comfortable around someone like that," togami said softly. the word was lingering on his lips. someone like your boyfriend. he wanted to say it. he wanted to have that label with naegi. but it was too soon. they were still exploring their relationship.

          naegi tenderly kissed togami's cheek, yawning and stretching out. it was getting late now, and togami's room was dark. "can i take a shower?" naegi asked. his sleepy voice made togami want to kiss him all over again

→ 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 (𝐧𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐢)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang