xxv. wish

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over the next couple months, byakuya's relationship with makoto grew increasingly obvious to their classmates. the lingering glances during class, sitting with their elbows touching during lunch, and the way makoto never shut up about byakuya were just some of the many factors involved. byakuya was nervous, though. if his father somehow found out that he and makoto were together, he would do everything in his power to tear them apart. so byakuya decided to never speak about makoto outside of school and makoto's family. makoto knew about this and was okay with it, but byakuya still felt pity for having to hide makoto from his family.

it was springtime now, and byakuya had invited makoto over to his house for champagne and a small birthday celebration. byakuya had told makoto that he didn't need to bring a present, but the petite luckster showed up at byakuya's door that evening with a crudely-wrapped package.

his effort was adorable.

byakuya smiled, letting naegi into the mansion and closing the door behind him. "i'm really glad you could come tonight, makoto," he said. "i wouldn't want to spend my birthday with anyone else." byakuya smiled, seeing his statement create a ruby hue on makoto's cheeks. that never got old.

"i wouldn't miss your birthday for the world," makoto beamed. he shoved the package toward byakuya. "i know you said not to get you anything, but i couldn't resist. open it!" makoto grabbed byakuya's hand and sat him down on the couch while makoto settled next to him. the smaller boy watched with intense anticipation as byakuya carefully unwrapped the present. a small photo was revealed, of makoto and byakuya grinning at each other happily. makoto's cheeks were pink and byakuya's were a dark red. the frame had heart-shaped stickers and painted stars on it. "i decorated it myself," makoto grinned, obviously proud of his work.

byakuya couldn't help but smile. the picture was so thoughtful and sweet. byakuya had never received such meaningful personalized gifts like this. it was always money or useful things like pens or notebooks. it was such a nice change for byakuya. he held the picture close, smiling at makoto. "thank you, my love," he whispered, watching as a server placed down a tray of champagne. "shall we?"

makoto eagerly nodded. he was a severe lightweight, but he didn't want byakuya to know that. he let byakuya pour him a full glass of champagne and took it lightly, taking little sips.

the two boys sat on the couch and talked, makoto letting the server refill his champagne several times for fear of being impolite. soon, his words began to string together and he started leaning on byakuya for support.

"darling?" byakuya murmured. "how many glasses of champagne have you had?"

makoto giggled. "i dunno... maybe seven?" makoto gazed up at byakuya with pink cheeks. "did i ever tell you how pretty you are? i just wanna kiss you forever..."

byakuya's eyes flicked nervously toward the server, who was in the process of pouring another glass of champagne. he then looked toward makoto, who reached out and lightly grazed byakuya's cheek flirtatiously. "you're drunk, makoto. let's get you upstairs."

"am not," makoto slurred, his head dropping onto byakuya's shoulder. "okay, maybe a little bit..."he slurred. "but i didn't wanna tell the nice server man no! he was so nice and i..." makoto giggled. "can i kiss you?"

byakuya looked at makoto. the boy was clearly drunk, his eyelids halfway closed and his lips parted. "let's go upstairs. then we'll talk." byakuya stood up, supporting makoto as he stumbled to the stairs. the two boys slowly made their way up, makoto's footsteps much heavier than usual. once they reached byakuya's room, makoto didn't even wait for the door to close before he was on byakuya, pressing soft, messy kisses down his neck.

          byakuya sharply inhaled, biting his lip. no, he's drunk, he thought. he isn't thinking clearly. "makoto, my love. you're drunk. lay down for a moment, okay?" byakuya slowly pushed makoto off him, laying him down on his bed. "i'll be right back."

          byakuya went into the bathroom, retrieving some towels and a bucket in case makoto got sick. he wet down the towels and draped the dry ones over his arm as he made his way back into the bedroom.

          the bed was empty.

          "makoto?" byakuya's voice raised. "where are you?!" byakuya rushed out into the hallway, hearing distant voices. voices? shit. byakuya broke into a run, makoto's safety being his top priority. he sprinted in the direction of the voices, drawing closer and closer to his father's study with every second that passed. no. if his father found out about makoto...

          byakuya stood in front of the study, peeking in through the door that was open a small bit. makoto was in there, sitting slumped over in a chair next to mr. togami's desk.

          at his desk was mr. togami himself, looking infuriated at the drunken commoner before him.

          "mister rich man," makoto giggled. "i dunno how you managed to get such a pretty son, but i am so in love with him... he's like, the best person in the whole wide world. isn't that crazy?" makoto smiled sleepily, watching as mr. togami stood up from his chair. the older man grabbed makoto's collar, causing byakuya to fling the door open.

          "father! don't touch him!"

a/n: hello everyone!! so i have some good news and some bad news- the good news is, i can update more often now!! the bad news is, i can update more often now because i got covid and i have to quarantine... it's okay though! i'll see you all soon <3

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