vii. take care

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          over the next few days, togami noticed naegi starting to act differently. he would ask to go to the bathroom and not return for fifteen minutes, coming back with a nervous smile and an explanation that the line was long. he seemed to be tired and unhealthily pale, but shrugged it off as lighting whenever someone asked. togami was suspicious, of course, and requested kirigiri's help with finding out what was going on with the boy. "i feel as if something is amiss with naegi," togami said grimly. "i know i'm not the only one who's noticed this."

          "i have too," kirigiri nodded. "i believe he's sick.  the question is why he's still at school. it's unlike him to refuse a day to rest." kirigiri tapped her fingers together, her brow furrowing in concentration. "do you think maizono could be keeping him at school?"

          togami shook his head. "what would her reason be for that?"

          "she's insecure. she might want naegi to stay with her at all times so she knows he isn't being... unfaithful. though i doubt he would do that. he's one of the most loyal people i've ever met." kirigiri frowned. "i don't know why she would prioritize her own insecurity over naegi's health, however. it seems odd."

          togami and kirigiri both stood at the back of the classroom, speaking in hushed tones and watching as naegi forced a laugh at something maizono said, breaking down into a fit of coughs afterward. togami, visibly angered by this, shoved past kirigiri and maizono and put a hand to naegi's forehead, frowning. naegi gasped in protest. "hey—! togami!"

          "you have a fever."

          "wh-what? no i don't! i'm fine!" naegi shoved togami's hand away, uncomfortable. "if i was sick, i would be home." naegi covered another cough, scooting away from togami. "i'm fine. please don't touch me like that again." maizono swooped in over naegi, yelling at him for being so reckless as naegi apologized profusely. "sayaka, i'm okay! i promise!"

          their conversation faded into the background as togami stormed back to kirigiri, absolutely fuming. "what right does maizono have keeping naegi at school when he's clearly ill?" he spat. "she is acting as if she didn't know! it's absurd to think that she—"

           "maybe she didn't know," kirigiri said, calm as ever. "maybe naegi is here on his own accord."

          "that doesn't make any sense!" togami sputtered.

           "yes it does. think about it for a moment. naegi probably knows how insecure maizono is because they were childhood friends. he always puts other people before himself. he probably didn't want maizono worrying about him not being at school, so he came to make her feel safe." kirigiri nodded, opening her eyes to notice togami halfway across the room. "togami—"

          naegi had stood up, swaying on his feet. "togami, please stop," he stammered in a raspy voice. "please, just go... go..." naegi's legs gave out underneath him and he crumpled to the ground, a coughing mess.

          "someone call the nurse!" fujisaki cried. the boy had tears in his eyes as he watched from the corner of the room. ogami scooped up naegi in her arms, taking him to the nurse's office with maizono trailing behind them with a worried expression on her face.

          "go after them," kirigiri whispered to togami. "this is your chance to see why he came to school like this. go!" the purple-haired detective lightly shoved togami out the door and into the hallway, following naegi. he nervously stood behind the group, watching as ogami said something to naegi. the boy's arm dangled at his side, limp. small coughs could be heard as naegi tried to regain his breath.

          once the group arrived at the nurse's office, with togami in pursuit, naegi was quickly placed under the nurse's care. he was put in a cot with a cold towel resting on his forehead. maizono crouched at his side, apologizing profusely. "makoto, i'm so sorry!" she cried, holding one of the boy's cold hands.

          naegi offered a weak smile. "it's okay... it was bound to catch up to me at some point, wasn't it?" naegi tried to laugh but failed, coughing. he groaned in pain. maizono hovered by him, a worried gasp escaping her. despite her inherently manipulative behaviors, maizono truly did care about naegi, togami realized. he stared at naegi, looking frail and small in the bed. his eyes were halfway closed, dull, and glazed over. sweat beaded on his forehead. "togami..?" naegi mumbled, causing maizono to whip around and glare at the blond standing in the doorway.

          "what are you doing here, you pervert?!" maizono shrieked. "did you do this to him? i bet it's some weird ki—"

          "sayaka... it's okay. he can be here if he wants to." naegi lifted the corners of his mouth, trying to reassure his girlfriend despite his obvious discomfort at togami's presence. the boy closed his eyes, sighing as his grip on maizono's hand loosened. maizono smiled a little. "you should get some sleep, makoto. i'll be here. don't worry."

          togami pushed up his glasses with a single finger, disappearing from the doorway though he stayed pressed against the wall in the hallway. maizono's voice rang out, soft and barely audible.

          "ogami, do you think he'll be okay?" she asked.

          "there is no doubt in my mind that he will recover quickly," a deeper voice replied. ogami.

          "i feel terrible," maizono spoke again. togami peeked his head through the doorway once more, seeing maizono on one side of naegi's cot and ogami on the other. maizono was gingerly holding one of naegi's hands with both of her own. "he knows how insecure i get sometimes. i hate that he feels like he has to put down everything for me. i think..." maizono started to tear up. "i can't be enough for him! there's someone better for him. and it's not me. that's the hardest thing about being with him, knowing i don't deserve him!" maizono's voice had risen to a cry as ogami listened to her.

          "i—" maizono hiccuped. "i think togami would be better for him."

a/n: hey everyone! new chapter woohoo!! i hope you all liked it, and a new one will be out within the next couple days!! love you! <3

→ 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 (𝐧𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐢)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon