xxiv. morning

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byakuya woke up the next morning to soft sunlight streaming in through the window. makoto lay in his arms, still sound asleep. byakuya let his face melt into a smile, unable to resist his lover's sweet sleeping face. his breath was warm and gentle on byakuya's neck. makoto was a heavy sleeper when he was really tired. the boy had slept like a rock the whole night, not moving once while byakuya turned over and kicked in his sleep countless times. byakuya had woken up in the middle of the night to find his arm completely over makoto's face, the poor boy pushed halfway off the bed but still passed out cold. byakuya had pulled the boy back onto the bed without waking him once, pushing his hair back and kissing his warm forehead before going back to sleep.

byakuya happily ran his fingers through makoto's hair, tracing the dark circles beneath his eyes with his free hand. makoto began to stir, but just shifted positions and threw his arm over byakuya's chest before floating back into a comfortable sleep. byakuya didn't want to disturb him by getting up so he stayed right there, not moving a muscle until makoto opened his eyes half an hour later.

"mmm..." makoto hummed, stretching out. "hi..."

"hello, darling," byakuya smiled, pushing his glasses up his nose. "how did you sleep? well?"

makoto smiled. "really well. i don't think i woke up once all night." the boy yawned. "that's probably the best i've ever slept." makoto rubbed his eyes, smiling at byakuya before realizing byakuya was in his bed. and much worse, makoto was directly on top of him. makoto yelped and threw himself off the bed, tumbling to the floor in a heap of blankets. "kuya! you cant do that to me!" he cried. "i didn't know you were staying over. did i sleep in the car?" makoto sighed. "i don't even remember coming home."

"yes, love," byakuya smirked, peering over the side of the bed to make eye contact with makoto on the floor. "you fell asleep in the car. i woke you up to take you inside, but you were barely there." byakuya watched in amusement as makoto's face reddened deeply.

"no way... did my parents say anything embarrassing?" he cringed.

byakuya smiled and flattened out makoto's bed head. "just that you talk about me every night at dinner." the progeny didn't think it was possible for makoto to blush any more than he already was, but his cheeks darkened.

"i am so sorry kuya, i had no idea—"


makoto blushed. "oh— i'm sorry. it just slipped out. is that okay with you? i can totally go back to calling you byakuya, i just thought that kuya would be a lot easier plus it's shorter, and it's really cute and i think it fits you really well—" makoto's ramble was cut off by a warm, passionate kiss. byakuya held makoto's cheeks, gazing at him with pure love.

"it's perfect."

"you're perfect," makoto whispered, leaning in for another kiss. the boys were entangled in each other, arms tightly wrapped around the other. "i missed you so much," makoto breathed against byakuya's lips. "don't leave."

byakuya smiled into makoto, deepening the kiss as a reassurance that he wasn't going anywhere. makoto's body lay right on top of byakuya's, makoto's comforter loosely draped over the pair. makoto gently ran his fingers through byakuya's hair, happily kissing him without a care in the world. byakuya's hands slipped under makoto's sweater, tracing the lines of his bare back. makoto broke away, starting to dot byakuya's neck with small kisses. byakuya thoroughly enjoyed this, holding makoto's shoulders under his sweater and arching his back whenever makoto hit a sweet spot.

          makoto shifted on top of byakuya, causing the blond to grunt slightly. makoto continued to kiss byakuya's neck, starting to become more heated and frantic.

          until the door swung open. makoto flung himself off of byakuya, pretending to still be asleep. he was panting and his heartbeat was fluttering with excitement.

          "oh! am i interrupting something?" komaru whispered, noticing her brother seemingly still asleep. "sorry!! i just wanted to come in and wake up makoto for breakfast."

          byakuya's entire face was flushed. he nodded. "i'll take care of it," he said, clearing his throat. "we'll be down in a minute."

          "alright!" komaru grinned, bouncing down the stairs as makoto opened his eyes.

          "is she gone?" he whispered.

          "yes." byakuya sat up at the same time as makoto, gazing into his eyes and tousling his hair a little bit before climbing over makoto to get out of bed. makoto followed, his cheek marked with imprints from his sleeve. his hair stuck straight up on one side. it was adorable. byakuya couldn't resist kissing makoto one last time before breakfast. makoto leaned into byakuya, letting out a small noise of surprise when he was swept off his feet in byakuya's arms. the taller boy carried makoto downstairs bridal-style, listening to him laugh the whole way down.

          makoto couldn't be happier with the array of food before him and byakuya. his mother had made pancakes, waffles, eggs, and a variety of juices. makoto immediately grabbed two pancakes and some apple juice, while byakuya took a waffle and some cranberry juice cocktail. makoto sat down at the table, to which byakuya followed.

          "you can eat whatever you want. don't be shy. my mom always makes extras," makoto grinned. "it's always nice to have breakfast with someone you love."

          byakuya blushed furiously. "it is," he murmured. i don't think i'll ever not get butterflies when he tells me he loves me, byakuya smiled.

          "hey kuya?" makoto asked, mouth full of pancake. his cheeks were pink.

          "do you want to be my boyfriend?"

a/n: hi loves! hope you all had an amazing day, you all make me so happy :)


→ 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 (𝐧𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐢)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora