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Bi wenjun <3 ^^^

Dont ask me y i put N.O there, just listen to it

3rd POV.

"anyways should we tell him the plan-" taehyung said but obviously he was interrupted

"who is going to tell me the plan?" jungkook asked

"me!!!!" Dudu said

"anyone?" jungkook said

"meeeeeeeeee!!!!!" Dudu said again


"no, me!!!!!" Dudu said again

"sure" sock said, "so the plan is quite simple but still complicated-"

"what you mean?" jungkook asked

"see we- I mean taehyung has to work fast"

"chile mind to tell me the whole damn plan, not some shitty part abt this man" jungkook said pointing at taehyung

"What did i-" 

"shut up," jungkook said

"literally the disgrace I get from y'all is an-" 

"anyways you were saying sock"

"yeah, so we know that yonhyun is going to be walking by the janitor's office to smoke you'll be there ALONE too, of course, he will not do anything with you on the hallways so he will take you to the janitor's office, where we hide one of our phones" sock said

"wait I'll be there alone?" jungkook asked

"yeah," sock said

"but what if he-"

"don't worry yonhyun will not do anything, if he does just scream ok? taehyung will be outside for your scream and hopefully, before yonhyun does anything taehyung will be there, then you and taehyung will take yonhyun to the Principle office, there we will come as the first evidence with the phone as the second and biggest evidence, that's it..." sock said, jungkook took a deep breath before saying anything, "and yeah and normal" sock added

"is it this important?" jungkook said with an 'i don't want to do this' tone

"yes," everybody said except Dudu

"yeaaaaaaaah" Dudu said

"did he really take drugs?"

"I think so..." sock said 

"Is he in some kind of gang or something?"  jungkook asked

"no he is not, but you know how dumb he is, he will take anything anyone will give him," sock said

"I can tell..." jungkook said



"jungkook~ pls just take one bite," taehyung said to the boy who was on his phone playing a game

"I told you I won't eat meal 3, why did you order it?" jungkook said not even bothering to look at the older

"c'monn jungkook pls"


"you haven't eaten anything"


"jungkook don't make me mad..."

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