Ch. 24 Can't Run Away

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The first thing that was on Emily's mind was to hide Eleanor, just for a while let everything settle, and be prepared in case Lysandre wanted to retaliate. She watched Eleanor reconnect with her friends. All in a circle catching her up on what's been happening, making jokes here and there, and just easing her into what she's done.

She hated to see the devastated look on her daughter's face as Eleanor looked at pictures of the destruction of the Showcase Stadiums. She walked over and rested her hand on Eleanor's shoulder. "Can we talk?" Emily asked.

Eleanor took her eyes away from the photos to look at her mother with a confused look. "Uh no that sentence never means something good." She joked standing up and following her mother into a different room.
Eleanor eyed her mother's facial expression, and she could tell that whatever she was about to say wasn't going to be good.

Her mother inhaled sharply and quickly ran her fingers through her hair. She exhaled and made eye contact with her daughter. "I've been thinking...due to the circumstances, I think it's best that I send you out of Kalos for a little while." Her mother suggested.

Eleanor's face scrunched up in confusion and anger. "Send me away? I'm not some nutcase that has to be put away-" Eleanor started but her mother cut her off.

"Sending you away will keep you safe. This isn't protesting anymore Elle they have physically and mentally hurt you. They took action and I won't allow it to go further. You could have killed someone, or worst you could have gotten yourself killed!" Her mother shouted.

"That wasn't my fault! I had no control over that." Eleanor protested against her mother. With all the built up anger she had for Lysandre no way did she want to back down.

"Exactly! The same thing can happen again. Elle I refuse to lose my daughter. Your going to sinnoh with Johanna, Dawn, and May. The protest is done. The showcase is over. It's time you step back and let me handle it." Emily sighed taking a step forward wrapping her arms around her daughter who broke into tears.

"Your not weak because your out of the fight, don't think like that for a second." Emily reassured while rubbing Eleanor's back trying to comfort her. Eleanor's thoughts were racing, too distracted to listen to what her mother was saying. She just accepted the comfort anyway then pulled back. She felt more defeated than ever.

"I'll break the news to everyone, you go get your things ready." Emily patted Eleanor on the shoulder then walked out of the room closing the door. Eleanor stared at the door for a minute her mouth ajar like she had more to say but couldn't. She turned around and walked over to grab her bag that was in the corner of the room. She opened it check on everything inside. She hoisted it over her shoulder turning to the door which opened before she could grab the door handle. Her eyes go from the handle to the person in front of her.

"Ash?" She took a step back to put space between them.

Ash wasn't too fond on the news that Eleanor was leaving, but there was nothing that he could do about it. He couldnt go up against Emily...she was the parent. He was just a friend. He wanted a minute to talk alone before she left. He still was processing it all but all he knew was he had to see her..alone.

He scratched the back of his neck nervously all the words he planned to say escaped his mine as Eleanor stood there. Her skin had lost its glow, and was now due from exhaustion, her eyes had bags but the honey gold color you could just get lost into them. As tired as she looked it still took his breath away.

He realized he had just been standing there staring and cleared his throat, with a slight blush on his face. " just heard what's happening. It sucks that your leaving." He said.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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