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My first instinct was to grab Abby and duck.

"Head to the van!" Pamela yelled. Bryan and his friends grabbed Abby and ran to the van. I grabbed Pamela and searched for Devon.

"Devon!" I yelled.

"Ici maître Lucian!"

I pushed Pamela to run without me. She looked hesitant but when the next round of bullets went off, she ran like lightning.

I ran to Devon with my vampire mode ready for action.

"What's going on Devon?!"

"Ce est Zaphara et Zephyr! Très peu de gens mortelles!" He yelled. I looked around him and saw the two people that tried to kill me at Yvette's house.

"Alpha boy..... I know you're here. I can smell the blood rushing in your veins." Zaphara -I'm assuming- said.

"Ne vous inquiétez pas monsieur. Je ai un recours spécial qui va se débarrasser d'eux." He smirked and pulled out a grenade. Devon threw it near them and it sprayed what looked like water. They shrieked and ran away fast.

"Nice job dude. Lets go before they come back."

"This is bullshit! London has always been safe until that pup showed up!" Bryan yelled.

"Sit down Bryan! We are not blaming Lucian for todays events!" Pamela yelled.

"C'mon Pamela. You know Bryan is right. Everything was fine until Lucian came. He's the reason for what happened today." Sean said.

"I said EN-"

"Shut up! It's not Lucian's fault!" Abby yelled. O___________O

"Are you really defending him?!" Bryan exclaimed.


Bryan looked conflicted. He stormed out leaving us shocked.

"Well then. Everyone go to your rooms. Dinner will be ready in an hour."

We left quietly. I quickly caught up to Abby and grabbed her hand.

"Hey. Thanks for helping me back there." I said.

"It was nothing. Bryan shouldn't be saying things like that." She lowered her eyes to the ground.

I lifted her head up and stared deep in her eyes.

"Don't lower your head. You're too cute for that." I said. She blushed a deep red which made me laugh.

"Lucian, can I show you something?" She asked nervously.


She grabbed my hand and we ran to a attic.

"This is my secret place. When Pamela found me and Bryan, we used to come up here and look at the sky."

"No offense but what's with you and Bryan?" I hope I didn't sound jealous....even though I was a little bit.

"Your eyes are green Lucian." Abby giggled. I started blushing and she gasped.

"Now they're pink. I didn't know they could do that."

"It came with the change." I mumbled.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"My mom didn't marry a natural born hybrid. She said when she was taken, dad got hurt really bad and ended up changing him. Because of that, I have a defect. I can't blush through my cheeks, I blush through my eyes. Usually whatever I'm feeling shows through my eyes." I explained. Abby found this interesting.

"That's amazing. I wish I could have something like that."

We sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Bryan and I found each other on the streets after the influenza spread. We were both infected and scared that they were going to kill us. We were only 5 years old. At that time, anyone who was sick was shot in the head and burned. I was on my death bed. Bryan was struggling trying to find someone to help us. Pamela found us, and she changed us before the disease could take over. After our change, Bryan became my brother. We played together until Seth and his friends showed up. Bryan changed then. He became distant and cold. He started being mean to me. We were never the same since."

I could see the tears forming in her eyes, so I leaned over and pecked her cheek.

"Bryan will come around. He just needs to learn again that even though he's not your real brother, you both still have that bond. That'll never change."

I hugged her tight, and she did the same to me. Unexpectedly, she kissed me full front on the lips. It was....amazing.

"I- I'm sorry. I wanted to try it." She said. I kissed her again. This time it was longer and more deeper.

"I liked it."
Before I start if you want the translations in the book I will do it. I just figured y'all wouldn't read it so why do it? Please vote and comment! And read my new story: My Dear Alpha!

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