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   I crouched down low and started stalking towards my prey. Prey... the word seemed so ruthless, but it was a common word for me. The deers ears flew up. Dammit. It knows I'm here. Just my luck.... note the sarcasm?

   I flew on it's back. It started jerking trying to get me to fall off. I snapped its neck and the deer fell limp.

   You might wanna hurry up. They're almost there. My wolf suggests.

   I feed quickly, and dispose of the corpse. I wish I had silver instead. It would've been a lot easier. I reach the mountain two minutes before they did.

   Lucian, how did you get here so fast? Donald mentally asks.

   I ran here in vampire form since I didn't stretch. I reply. Donald shifted and so did the rest.

   "This is Mount Alpha. Years ago, Red Blood was attacked by what we used to call, the pale faces, or vampires. Our pack had killed its mate because it was terrorizing the city. Enraged, the mate attacked Red Blood and she destroyed everything in her path. The alpha knew his pack wouldn't stand a chance so he led the vampire here as a sacrifice. His actions were so heroic, that his pack came here to die as well. They say you can here the packs tribal songs, and see the alpha walking around in this very spot." Donald concluded. Most of the pack members looked scared, but I wasn't. Dad told me that same story when I ran here one night. I was like 8 years old, and my parents took away my Legos. Don't judge me....

   "Have you seen the ghost, Beta?" Someone asked. I recognize him as James. He was the son of a warrior wolf and he hated me. Why? I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm a hybrid.

   "No. I haven't been up here since I was 12." Donald said.

   "I betcha alpha boy always comes here. Since apparently he has no rules." James spat out. I rolled my eyes at him. Apparently, rumor has it that I get away with everything because I'm the alphas first born hybrid son. Which isn't true! I actually get way more rules than anyone. I can't go out after 10 pm, I can't go wandering in the woods without 3 guards with me, and any friends I try to make, mom and dad have to interrogate them. To them, Im super valuable. Everyone wants me for reasons I don't know. I think I'm average but they object. My words are useless against theirs.

   "James. Enough." Donald growled.

   "You tell him dad!" Everyone laughed at Donald's daughter, Yvette (pronounced e-vet). Yvette is 16 and my best friend. She's the only one that understands what I'm going through.

   "Thank you bestie." I say while high fiving her.

   "Like I was saying. Today is a special day, because you all will be staying here for the night." Half of the members groaned besides me and Yvette.

   "A whole night on a haunted mountain? Awesome!" Yvette yelled out.

   "I'm glad you think so. If you want to go hunting, do so around this area. I'll be back tomorrow at 8 am sharp. Everyone better be here or else." He took off without waiting to hear our responses.

   "Great. Just great! We're stuck here." One girl whined.

   "How could he leave us on a haunted mountain?!" Another girl yelled.

   "Relax. Its not really haunted. He just said that to scare us." James stated.

   "Hmm. I don't know James. My dad told me that he saw the ghost that haunts this mountain." The same girl from earlier said.

   "Will all of you shut up? This place is not haunted. End of story." Yvette said. The members started groaning and mumbling words while James walked up to us.

   "I like the way you give out instructions." James smirked and winked at her. I made a disgusting face while Yvette scoffed.

   "Get out of my face James. Where's your hoe of the day?" She snapped. James was about to comment until we heard someone yell his name.

   "James! Where are you?!" Speaking of hoes. Scarlett is his current 'girlfriend'. They don't even go out. They just screw every night.

   "Yes Scarlett?" I could tell James was aggravated by her. The scowl he had on his face told me that he didn't even care about her. She could be dying and he still wouldn't bat an eyelash her way.

   "I miss you. Why are you talking to her?" She narrowed her eyes at Yvette.

   "Excuse me? Last time I checked, I dominate you. Meaning I'm in charge of your scrawny ass." Yvette growled out.

   "No on is in charge of me. Have you forgotten who you're talking to?" Scarlett hissed out. By this time, a large crowd surrounded us.

   "Calm down. Scarlett, do us all a favor and go away. I'm pretty sure you have other things to do than stand here and bother us." I say to her. Scarlett rolled her eyes but walked away.

   "I can't stand her. She's always defending James when no one wants him." Yvette said.

   "And he doesn't want her either. He's just using her for sex." I reply.

   "Well she likes it so I don't think it matters to neither one of them."

   "How right you are. Let's go to sleep. I'm tired and something tells me I'll be waking up really early tomorrow."
Secondo capitolo completo! I'm still going to be adding Italian in the stories, just not naming the chapters in Italian.

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