Chapter 4

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A soft, but strong knock sounded at my front door. I frowned and got up from the ratty couch and headed for the door. 

Opening the door I was shocked to come face to face with Wild Wilbur, actually his name is just Wilbur, we call him wild, because he used to get in a lot of trouble as a kid and teen. I looked at him and grinned appreciatively, Wild Wilbur had bulked up and not with fat, but hard lean muscles. He was your typical tall, dark and handsome kinda fella and he sure knew it.

"Well the rumors are true, our sweet Macey May is back. Ya could have send out'a message that you were gonna return." He drawled as he leaned against the old battered doorway. I was struggling to get my voice to work, but luckily I managed a sideways smile.

"Uh... I wasn't actually planning to come back so soon, but I was the only person on my granddad's will, so yeah here I am." I said as I fidgeted with the door handle while avoiding his searching grey eyes.

"You're granddad thought a great deal of you Macey May, he knew he could count on you to take care of his land and home." Wilbur said as he slowly stepped into the somewhat empty house. I didn't try stopping him and silently led him to my small kitchen.

"Yeah well, I did a great job at taking care of everything. I sold all the animals and all the farming equipment and barely managed to keep all the land and this decaying house that the termites are enjoying more than me. So yeah, he did a great job of counting on me..." I said sourly as I turned on the kettle. Wilbur loved coffee, that's something I'll always remember from his bunch of visits at my house, meaning the one that we're in now.

"Don't worry, you're a pretty and smart girl. You'll quickly figure something out. Now tell me all about the Big Apple, is it really as awesome as they say on TV?" Wilbur asked curiously as he leaned forward onto his clasped hands, looking at me with eager and excited eyes. I smiled at his almost child like behavior.

"'s really crowded, loud, fast, terrifying and smelly. Except when you walk into the delicious bakery shops and are instantly transported back home, where gran used to make apple and apricot pies. Though they never tasted as good as my dear old grans tasted." I said as nostalgia over came me. My gran did make amazing pies.

"I see, so will you go back if you get the chance?" Wilbur asked carefully, I put his cup of coffee in front of him and sat down across the table, holding my own cup of coffee close.

"I don't think so, I realized yesterday that this is my home. I can't leave my home again." I told him quietly. Wilbur silently nodded his head in agreement.

"Do you have any plans for the ranch?" The question made me gulp for air that wasn't there at the moment.

"Uhh...well if you have any suggestions, please do tell me." I told him mockingly. Wilbur smiled slowly and scratched his invisible beard.

"Well since you so nicely requested suggestions, I can probably give you one or two of my old breeding mares and get them pregnant with Staltons foals. His foals are always great,strong horses and I get a lot for them." Wilbur said as he leaned back into his chair. I frowned and looked down at my dark brown beverage.

"I don't know, I don't want to take something from people. I'd rather pay for it, but right now I don't have the money." I told him as I slowly looked up to find his dark grey eyes studying me.

"I see, well why don't you consider it at least. I have more than enough horses to give you a few, but I have to go right now, I got a date to get ready for. I'll let myself out." Wilbur said as he got up and straightened out his plaid shirt. I nodded my head as I continued swirling my now cold coffee.

"I'm glad you're back Macey May, we missed you, I missed you, a lot. Bye, see soon." Wilbur said as he exited my kitchen and walked down the hallway. I yelled a goodbye and then got up to wash our cups.

I gave myself an invisible pat on the back, for not freaking out at the sight of Wilbur. His sudden appearance had turned up old soil that was soaked in memories of us and what could have happened, but never did.

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