Chapter 12

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"You sure he won't buck?" I asked Wilbur as my voice quivered with surpressed fear. Wilbur smirked and shook his head in amusement.

"He likes you, I'm pretty sure he won't buck you off. Anyway he used to be a show horse, I'm sure he didn't forget how to be ridden." Wilbur replied as he held onto Thunders reins, keeping him from moving around as I placed my foot into the stirrup.

I was nervous to be riding again after so many years where I spent all my time on the ground, I was especially nervous because Thunder isn't my old droopy mare I used to ride here on the farm. He was huge and strong and let's not forget, a stallion.

"Here I go." I mumbled as I lifted myself over and into the saddle, slipping my other foot into the stirrup. I wiggled a bit untill I found a comfortable spot on the saddle then sighed with contentment. I have forgotten how good a view looked ontop of a horse, especially with Wilbur in front of me.

"You all right up there May?" Wilbur asked as he gave the reins over to me, I took hold of them and getly held them in my hands.

"I'm all right, we gonna go now?" I questioned Wilbur as he stood beside Thunder. Wilbur grinned, then turned around and walked over to his gelding, Summer Strike. He mounted the horse then walked over to where Thunder and I stood.

"Come on" Wilbur called over to us then set off down the dirt road that led to the river. I clucked at Thunder and we took off, galloping after Wilbur.

As we galloped, a laugh bubbled up from my stomach and I couldn't help but let it out. I had really forgotten how exhilirating it is to ride horses, especially at this speed. I could feel all my worries dissapearing as Tunder and I galloped past Wilbur and further down the road, leaving him and Strike in our dust.

We continued down the road until we reached the gate that led to the river.

"I'll open it." Wilbur called as he jumped off of Strike and jogged over to the closed gate. As he opened the gate I coached Thunder through it and watched as Wilbur called to Strike and the horse happily comes trotting over to him. When Wilbur closed the gate he hopped back onto his horse and we quietly continued down the path.

The pathway to the river was short, but by the time we reach the river bank I was sweating bullets and begging for a swim.

I dismounted Thunder and leaned against the tree beside me. I tied Thunder to a post my grandad plated years ago and pulled off my shirt leaving me in my bikini top. I turned around to see Wilbur staring at me as he tied Strike to another post.

"I'm gonna go for a swim, feel free to join." I called to him as my jeans dropped to the ground and I left him behind my.

Running down to the river I plunged in and sufaced from the cool water. I once again caught Wilbur staring at me as he stood at the rivers edge.

"You afraid of the water Wild Wilbur!" I yelled out and laughed at his annoyed face. Wilbur quickly shucked off his shirt and jeans and with a battle roar jumped into the water.

I drifted for a second, confused about Wilburs dissapearance when something grabbed my leg and yanked me down. A scream escaped my mouth, but was silenced as the water flowed into my gaping mouth.

Clamping my lips shut I started to struggle against the thing holding onto me. I felt my leg hit something hard and then my leg was free. Breaking the surface I gasped in fresh air. Wilbur surfaced seconds later with a groan of pain.

"Damn Macey, you had to kick so hard?" Wilbur groand out as he threw his head back and grinded his teeth.

"Uhh...sorry, but I panicked." I mumbled as I swam around him. Wilbur hummed, but continued drifting on the water. I watched him closely and couldn't help, but admire the fine muscles that his abs were made of.

"You done oogling me?" Wilburs deep voice asked as he glanced over at me. I looked away, blushing head to toe and swam back to the rivers bank. Climbing out I made my way over to Thunder and quickly untacked him, I untied him and took of the bridle/halter. Thunder shook is head, sending his wild, dark, curly mane flying before nudging me on my shoulder. I laughed at his silly antics and quickly made my way back to the river, noticing that Wilbur was looking at me curiously before looking behind me at Thunder. I jumped back into the water and swam away from the bank.

As I turned around I watched as Thunder stood at the rivers edge whinnying at me and pawing the soft mud beneath him. Thunder snorted once before he slowly stepped into the water and then jumped in with a huge splash. Shrieks of laughter escaped me as the water hit me in the face, I heard Wilburs booming laugh and looked over to see Thunder pushing Wilbur around playfully. I was shocked to actually see Thunder interact with Wilbur without pulling his ears back and rearing. The sight gave me goosbumps and I smiled happily.

I swam over to them and easily climbed onto Thunders back, honding onto his wet mane as he continued pushing Wilbur. This went one for atleast half and hour before we were all starting to tire of all the fun in the water.

I slowly nudged Thunder back to the bank and held on for dear life as I slipped around on his smooth back. I heard Wilbur chuckle behind us as he to climbed out. I stopped Thunder beneath a huge tree and slid off of him giggling as the soft, long grass tickled my feet and legs.

Wilbur sauntered over to us and plopped down onto the ground,  I quickly followed behimd him. We sat in silence for a few minutes as we watched Thunder graze a few feet away from us.

"That horse is some crazy work. I never thought a stallion could be this tame." Wilbur spoke up next to me. I glaced at him and smiled.

"Well a crazy horse for a crazy girl, I guess." I mumbled as I looked away. I felt Wilburs' arm wrap around my shoulders as he pulled me closer to him.

"You are crazy, but I'll admit, you are a hot crazy girl." Wilbur whidpered in my ear. I gasped and quickly pushed him away, cauding him to slip in the grass and slam down onto his back. He moaned in pain as he rubbed his head, throwing an glare my way.

"That's what you get for calling me crazy and hot!" I growled out as I got up and called to Thunder.

I quickly tacked Thunder back up and climbed onto the mammoth horse, waiting patiently for Wilbur to join us.

The ride back home was slow and relaxed, neither Wilbur nor I felt the need to break the comfortable silence that has setteled between us. As we reached the barn we untacked the horses and loaded up Wilburs two mares and Strike.

"It's surprising how quickly these two weeks had flown by." I announced as I stood in front of Wilburs truck. Wilbur scratched his chin and nodded his head in thought.

"Yeah, I'll get these to girls to the vet for the test and let you know the outcome." Wilbur replied as he made his way to the drivers side.

"Okay, well see you in town then." I mumbled as I started walking away.

"Wait Macey!" Wilbur called out behind me. I paused and turned around to face him again.

"Yeah?" I questiond curiously. Wilbur smiled and took of his hat, shaking it, then put it back on, a tell tail sign that he's  nervouse.

"My folks are coming to dinner tomorrow night. I thought it be great if you came to, you're like they daughter they never had and I know they'll love to see you." Wilbur declared as he scratched his neck. A slow smile crept onto my face as I looked at him.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then." I accepted his offer before heading back to my home.

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