Chapter 2

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Ow! Dammit I should really get rid of this bookshelf above the bed. I sat up, rubbing the new bump on my forehead.

Climbing out of bed, I wandered to the window and looked at the dewy plains. It was truly a very beautiful scene.

Since I moved here, two days ago, the thought that I can get used to this crossed my mind for the first time. I was a bit shocked at the revelation, but in my heart I knew it was true.

I quickly got ready and went into town. I have a load of things that needed to be done and first it's visiting the bank.


"You're telling me that there's nothing left of the money my gramps left for me?" I asked in shock. How can this be true, I know that after I paid all the dept that there wouldn't be much left, but I had hoped that there would at least be enough money to buy food for the month. And now there's nothing.

I have my own money, but I had hoped that I could save it for a bit longer, but apparently I can't. My saving plan had just gone down the stinky drain!

I left the bank and reluctantly went to the grocery store, where I only bought the necessary.

As I left the store and walked down the sidewalk to my car, a truck hooted next to me. I stopped dead in my tracks , ready to flip off the stranger when my eyes landed on the dark brown ones of the one and only, Brian Stardy.

"Well howdy there, sugarplum. Didn't think I'd see you around here anytime soon." He said in a much deeper voice than I remember. He parked the truck and jumped out.

He stood before me like the wall of China, tall and broad. I gulped a few times to moisten my dry throat and smiled shyly up at him. I never could withstand Brian's glorious charms, especially if his black hair fell that way down his brow.

"H-Hi Brian, it's been a long time." I managed to squeak out. Brian smiled broadly as he threw his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into a tight side hug.

I gasped in shock and just stood there, not having a clue what to do. When Brian released me he gave me a bright smile.

"Did those city folks drove all the hugs out of 'ya?" Brian asked in amusement. I giggled shyly at his comment and shook my head.

" not really. I've never been one for hugging." I told him truthfully. Brian looked shock for a moment before he nodded his head in understanding.

"I see, so what are 'ya doing here?" He asked me as he stepped a few steps back to look me over, his eyes lit up with interest as he looked at me.

"Well you probably heard that my gramps had passed. He left me with his farm. So yeah, here I am trying my best to scrape by." I told him as I started to walk to my car. Brian nodded his head in understanding. When we reached my old, beat down Ford he stopped and frowned down at it.

"You drive in that?" He asked me in disbelief. I looked at my car and shrugged, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Yeah, why? You got a problem with it?" I asked him in my 'don't mess with me' voice. Brian quickly shook his head and tipped his Stetson at me.

"Well I think it's time to go. I have a few things I need to take care of and I'm sure you do to. Have a lovely day miss Macey, I hope to see you soon." Brian said as he threw me one of his sideways smile. I returned the smile and nodded.

"The same for you Brian, bye." I said as I unlocked my door and climbed into the car. I waved a goodbye at him and then pulled out of the parking spot.

Uh, that was weird. I thought as I silently drove home, or soon to be home.

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