Chapter 5

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What was that?


That sounds like an animal.

*Hoove scratches*

Okay now I have to see what's making such noises.

I walked to my front door and slowly opened it. My front lawn was clear, except for a pile of horse manure laying in front of my porch steps.

What the hell? I don't have horses here.

I walked down the steps and looked around. There was no horse in sight.

*Sniff, snort*

Oh shit... Something is breathing on me. Something big. I turned around slowly and stared up at two black/brown eyes staring down at me. I took in the grey head with the black and grey forelock and then the thick neck which was sporting a wide arrange of grey spots and stars.

It was a horse.

A very BIG horse.

The horse leaned forward and sniffed my hair before stepping back and bobbing his head, as if he liked the smell of my strawberry scented hair.

I still stood frozen on the spot. To scared that any movement would spook the horse and cause it to trample me.

I slowly reached down to my front pocket in my jeans and pulled out my phone. Scrolling down my contacts list until I reached Wilbur's number. I dialed, praying that he still had this number after all these years, I quietly waited for him to answer the phone. After the forth ring, a very groggy Wilbur answered.

"To what do I owe the honor of being called awake so early, by the ever irritating Macey May?" Wilbur grumbled as I heard him shuffling in bed. I swallowed hard and fought the urge to blabber everything at him.

"There...there's a horse on my farm. In front of me and it's huge. What do I do?" I asked him in the most calm voice I could muster. The line was silent for a minute before Wilbur spoke again, this time I heard a door close and boots on hardwood floor.

"I'm on my way Macey. Stay calm and don't spook it. If you're scared it'll hurt you, though that's highly unlikely, back away slowly and keep facing it. I'll be there in a minute." He said before the line went dead.

I pushed my phone back in my pocket and did as Wilbur instructed me. Taking small baby steps backward I kept facing the massive horse. It didn't pay me much attention as it grazed on my huge lawn.

My heel hit the first porch step and relief flooded my body. I'm safe, I hope. The horse didn't pay any attention to me and continued grazing.

After what felt like hours, I faintly heard footsteps approaching the house. The horse lifted it's head and snorted when he saw Wilbur walking up the dirt road.

Upon hearing the horse snorting Wilbur stopped dead in his tracks and looked up at the horse. His eyes bulged in shock and his adams apple bobbed from his swallowing.

What surprised us both, was when Wilbur moved towards me the horse stepped in front of the porch steps, blocking the way up to me.

"I think you found a very big, grey dog instead of a horse, May." Wilbur said as he started chuckling at my horrified expression.

"Wilbur! This isn't funny, what do I do?" I pleaded to him, the horse just continued standing defensively in front of me. Wilbur scratched his head and then held up is finger in a 'wait a minute' gesture, then he disappeared down the dirt road, around my house and then he was gone.

Leaving me with a massive beast in front of me.

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